Employee Relations

Job satisfaction among Filipinos rises by 25%, but Gen Z differs

MANILA - A staggering 85 per cent of workers in the Philippines reported positive or neutral satisfaction with their current jobs, according to a recent survey conducted by Jobstreet, a leading employment platform.

The survey, titled Employee Job Happiness Index 2024, which involved 900 Filipino workers across various industries, showed that job satisfaction has increased by 25 per cent, compared to the pre-pandemic figure of 68 per cent. The survey also revealed a Happiness Index score of 4.52 out of 7.0.

Key factors contributing to the rising job satisfaction among Filipino workers include flexible work arrangements, work-life balance, and inclusive work environments.

Additional insights from the report include:

Higher satisfaction among remote workers: Remote workers rated their job satisfaction at 4.82, with work-life balance even higher at 4.92 on a scale of 7.

Office location: Job satisfaction is lowest in the National Capital Region with 4.46, due to traffic and mobility issues, while workers in Mindanao reported a higher score of 4.59.

Generational differences: Gen Z workers are the least satisfied, scoring only 4.28, likely due to differing perceptions of work culture compared to older colleagues.

Influence of marital status: Interestingly, workers in a relationship or marriage reported higher job satisfaction at 4.60, while single or unmarried workers rated their satisfaction at 4.46, attributed to a better work-life balance.

Organisations in the Philippines are encouraged to create work environments that meet employees’ needs for job satisfaction, benefiting both current employees and potential candidates. Jobstreet noted, "With the growing number of jobs offering WFH arrangements, this has positively impacted the country's overall job satisfaction score. This may be inferred from a widening gap of perceptions when it comes to work culture and work-life balance among younger and older colleagues. Overall, Filipino workers are happier when they have the right work setup and opportunities for career growth."

Also Read: The art of building a culture that keeps people at their best

Dannah Majarocon, Managing Director of Jobstreet Philippines, emphasised that career development, training, and better salaries were identified as the top contributors to job satisfaction. She noted, “Our survey shows that Filipino candidates nowadays weigh multiple factors in determining their happiness and satisfaction with their jobs. As a talent partner, Jobstreet by SEEK encourages hirers to take these into consideration and provide a conducive, satisfying work environment that not only benefits current employees but also potential candidates to improve employee morale and traction.”

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