Employment Landscape

The world's most in-demand jobs by 2030

Over the next five years, the world will see 170 million new jobs created. But despite the growth, 92 million existing jobs or 8% of total employment will also be displaced, according to the World Economic Forum’s latest Future of Jobs report.

The anticipated pattern of creative destruction in the job economy overall will deliver a net growth of 78 million jobs. But which roles will emerge as the fastest growing, and which ones will start to decline quickly?

Big Tech roles and beyond

It might not come as a surprise, but the fastest-growing jobs in the next five years will centre on innovations in AI and robotics, propelled by workers’ increasing access to digital technology, executives surveyed by the WEF predict.

These roles include Big Data Specialists, FinTech Engineers, AI and Machine Learning Specialists and Software and Applications Developers.

The pivot to more advanced technology—amid growing geopolitical challenges—is also giving rise to security-related roles such as Security Management Specialists and Information Security Analysts.

Meanwhile, with the climate crisis continuing to pose business challenges, the world is seeing an increasing demand for Autonomous and Electric Vehicle Specialists, Environmental Engineers, and Renewable Energy Engineers.

“The growth of these roles is driven by increased efforts and investments to reduce carbon emissions and adapt to climate change. The growing adoption of energy generation, storage and distribution technologies, alongside other technology trends, are additional contributing factors,” the WEF said.

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Top 30 fastest growing jobs by 2030

1. Big Data Specialists

2. FinTech Engineers

3. AI and Machine Learning Specialists

4. Software and Applications Developers

5. Security Management Specialists

6. Data Warehousing Specialists

7. Autonomous and Electric Vehicle Specialists

8. UX and UI Designers

9. Light Truck or Delivery Services Drivers

10. Internet of Things Specialists

11. Data Analysts and Scientists

12. Environmental Engineers

13. Information Security Analysts

14. DevOps Engineers

15. Renewable Energy

16. Robotics Engineers

17. Blockchain Developers

18. Data Engineers

19. Digital Transformation Specialists

20. Process Automation Specialists

21. Sustainability Specialists

22. Renewable Energy Technicians

23. System Engineers

24. Organisational Development Specialists

25. Online Learning Managers

26. Digital Marketing and Strategy Specialists

27. Environmental Protection Professionals

28. Solar Energy Installation and System Engineers

28. Database and Network Professionals

29. Car, Van and Motorcycle Drivers

30. Full Stack Engineers

Also Read: Of bots and bricklayers: AI and blue-collar work

Traditional roles on the decline

While increasing digital access, AI, robots and autonomous systems drive the growth of tech-savvy roles, the same macrotrends are also causing the decline of clerical roles, such as Cashiers, Ticket Clerks, Administrative Assistants, Executive Secretaries, Printing Workers, Accountants and Auditors.

Meanwhile, a slowdown in the global economy, coupled with an ageing workforce, is also contributing to the decrease in traditional jobs.

Top 30 fastest declining jobs by 2030

1. Postal Service Clerks

2. Bank Tellers and Related Clerks

3. Data Entry Clerks

4. Cashiers and Ticket Clerks

5. Administrative Assistants and Executive Secretaries

6. Printing and Related Trades Workers

7. Accounting, Bookkeeping, and Payroll Clerks

8. Material-Recording and Stock-Keeping Clerks

9. Transportation Attendants and Conductors

10. Door-to-Door Sales Workers

11. Graphic Designers

12. Claims Adjusters, Examiners, and Investigators

13. Legal Officials

14. Legal Secretaries

15. Telemarketers

16. Credit and Loans Officers

17. Concierges and Hotel Desk Clerks

18. Accountants and Auditors

19. Statistical, Finance, and Insurance Clerks

20. Business Services and Administration Managers

21. Paralegals and Legal Assistants

22. Building Caretakers, Cleaners, and Housekeepers

23. Insurance Underwriters, Valuers, and Loss Assessors

24. Recruiters and Technical Recruiters

25. Security Guards

26. Client Information and Customer Service Workers

27. Chemical Engineers

28. Assembly and Factory Workers

29. Survey Researchers

30. Mining, Petroleum and Other Extraction Workers

Jobs with the largest growth

As the job economy experiences massive change in the next five years, roles that “make up the core of many economies” are expected to see the highest growth, according to the WEF.

“Farmworkers top the list of the largest growing job roles in the next five years and are expected to see 35 million more jobs by 2030,” the report said.

Care and education-focused jobs are predicted to see the largest increase as well. These include the roles of Nursing Professionals, Social Work and Counselling Professionals, and Personal Care Aides, alongside University and Higher Education Teachers and Secondary Education Teachers.

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