
Happy entrepreneurs – what's the secret?

Navigating the choppy seas of entrepreneurship? Strap on your captain's hat and prepare for the art of stress-free sailing in business leadership with habits that promise sunnier days.

Being an entrepreneur or self-employed is akin to captaining your own ship, responsible for navigating through both stormy and calm waters. The pressure felt by self-employed individuals has such unique characteristics that it has been coined "entrepreneur stress." Causes do not act in isolation but rather as a "cocktail" of symptoms affecting both personal and professional lives. Some of these are:

- Lack of clear demarcation between the start and end of the working day.
- Greater risks than those faced by salaried workers.
- Reduced access to Human Resources policies that support worker welfare.
- The necessity to maintain a global perspective of the entire business model.
- The need to create one's own workspace.

Being an entrepreneur can also be fulfilling, but there are certain elements needed for this to be true. In fact, one study has found entrepreneurs who have the support of their employees tended to be happiest. Another study discovered the slightly positive effects on well-being of working for oneself versus working for someone else.

Entrepreneurship, researchers said, "offers potential for experiencing both positive and negative wellbeing (i.e., joy and satisfaction but also anxiety and burnout)."

The habits of happy and healthy entrepreneurs

While a certain level of stress is inevitable, there are habits that can make an entrepreneur "happier." Unlike outcomes, these habits are entirely within one's control and can be cultivated daily to improve one's lifestyle:

Establish clear work schedules

Craft a detailed personal schedule that includes break times and marks the start and end of your workday. This helps avoid perpetual connectivity and blurring of work and personal time. While extending the workday is sometimes unavoidable, it's crucial not to make it a regular practice to prevent quick onset of stress.

Learn techniques to mentally disconnect

Engage in relaxation, meditation, or controlled breathing practices to focus on the present moment, momentarily divert your mind from work, and prevent worries from escalating your stress levels. Regular physical exercise is also beneficial.

Sleep well

Maintaining a consistent sleep schedule is essential for avoiding stress-related issues. Your personal schedule should accommodate sufficient rest hours (ideally, eight consecutive hours).

Plan vacations and quality time with family and friends

Work-life balance is vital, and despite long work hours, the time needed for social interactions or days off should not be underestimated.

Take short breaks during the workday

Allowing five to ten minutes of rest every hour can enhance your energy and focus. These breaks are not wasted time but an investment in boosting productivity.

Vision, passion, motivation, curiosity, creativity, confidence, risk-taking ability, and a willingness to learn from mistakes—while these are not habits, they are attitudes that will aid an entrepreneur in achieving better results. Combined with healthy lifestyle habits to combat the stress of being self-employed, the outcome will likely be greater productivity and happier entrepreneurs.

Key Takeaway 1: Establishing clear boundaries and schedules is not just about discipline; it’s about claiming your freedom from the 24/7 work cycle.

Key Takeaway 2: Your mental health toolkit is incomplete without methods to disconnect and decompress—essential fuels for entrepreneurial stamina.

Key Takeaway 3: Balancing work demands with life’s pleasures isn’t just possible; it’s essential for long-term success and happiness in the entrepreneurial journey.

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