HR Technology

'Leverage tech to create social spaces'

The last 20 months have brought about a renewed focus on workplace communication, engagement, wellness and productivity. With the scales visibly tipping towards a hybrid future, it’s time to quit sitting on the fence and engage head-on with the need to revamp workflows to drive business agility, operational efficiency, and last but not the least, a great employee experience.

Be it clashing schedules or behavioral challenges that restrict virtual interactions, cross-departmental engagement has taken a hit in the evolving workplace construct, impacting both productivity as well as experience. This exclusive campaign by People Matters and ServiceNow, explores how leaders and organisations are stepping up the game and reinventing workflows to enhance the productivity, collaboration and experience for their hybrid workforce.

In the above video, Swathi V, Global Head of Talent and Leadership Development, Gojek talks about the importance of remembering what you are solving for, enabling an efficient, engaged and purpose-driven workforce in a hybrid workplace, and creating a social space through technology to foster workplace relationships.

Watch the video to find out more!

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