Life @ Work

Tips on how to ace a video interview

Tips on how to ace a video interview

Video interviews become prevalent and for a good reason. They help employers to save time, money and optimize the hiring process. And experts state that video interviewing is not just a temporary craze, but a trend to stay. But what about job seekers? Does a video interview help an applicant to land a dream job? Yes, it does! let’s take a quick look at the benefits of video interviews: 

Feel more comfortable

Traditional interviews cause lots of stress. When you enter the crowded office building, your heart starts beating faster. And when a receptionist asks you to sit in the hall and wait for the interview, your hands begin sweating. Sitting next to dozens of other job seekers, you begin doubting that you are good enough to beat the competition. And your hope to get a job starts fading away. 

Sadly, when you experience stress, your chances to impress the interviewer are low indeed. You risk failing the interview not because you are not good enough, but because you feel uncomfortable and lack self-confidence.

When it comes to video interviews, everything is different. You don’t have to go to the office. You can stay at home – at the place where you feel the most comfortable and relaxed. Sitting in your favorite chair and staring at the screen of your laptop, you don’t feel stressed. It means you can control your emotions during the job interview. And you can stay focused on the questions asked. Naturally, it gives you higher chances to make a good impression on the interviewer and land a job. 

Save time and money

Video interviews are less time-consuming not only for companies but also for job seekers. Since you don’t have to drive across the city or fly to a different state to be interviewed, you can manage your time more effectively. You can pass a few interviews a day without leaving your house. And that’s great! The more interviews you take, the sooner you will land the job of your dreams.

Video interviews help not only to shorten the job search time but save lots of money. Since you don’t have to pay for new clothes, gasoline, flight tickets and hotels (in case if you are looking for a job in another city), the interviewing process will not leave you broke.

Get a chance to be noticed

Now let’s talk about companies that interview 100 applicants to hire only two of them. How do you think, if you have 98 competitors, what is the probability that you will get hired? Well, if an organization runs traditional interviews, your chances are low. Even if you prove that you are a perfect fit for this job, interviewers may forget your name after interviewing another twenty applicants. 

But if a company use recorded video interviews, your chances to get hired increase. Can you guess why? Because HR managers will rewatch and analyze the interviews before making a final decision. So if you ace your video interview, your candidacy will not be left unnoticed. 

Look for a new job while employed

If you don’t want to quit your current job before finding a new job, a video interview is a perfect solution for you. If you can’t leave the office to attend a traditional interview, you can ask prospective employers for a video interview. You can talk to the interviewer on Skype during your lunch break or any other suitable time. Employed job seekers tend to be busy during business hours. And, naturally, HR managers understand that. So if you have an impressive resume, feel free to negotiate a video interview.

Overcome a language barrier

It happens pretty often that people who are not fluent in English fail the phone interview because they can’t correctly understand the questions asked. And if you are not an English native speaker, the chances are you have faced issues with phone interviews before.

The point is that it’s much easier to have a face-to-face conversation rather than talking on the phone. Why? Because non-verbal symbols and speechreading help to understand the interlocutor better. It’s another reason why video interview is a good thing. When you see the interviewer, it’s easier to avoid any misunderstandings related to incorrect pronunciation or a bad connection.

10 Tips on How to Prepare for a Video Interview 

Video interviews are as important as traditional interviews, so you should get adequately prepared. Here is a list of ten tips on how to pass a video interview successfully:

  1. The quality of video and audio must be perfect. So make sure that the internet connection is stable and working normally. 
  2. Use adequate equipment. Buy a good webcam and a headset if necessary.
  3. Whether you use the in-build webcam of your laptop or external webcam, you should place it above your eye-line, in-line with the top of your head. 
  4. Check the lighting. If there is a lack of light in your room, place one or two additional lamps in front of you.
  5. Dress appropriately. Avoid wearing pure black and pure white on camera. Choose softer, solid colors such as deep blue.
  6. Manage the environment and background. Make sure that nothing will distract you and the interviewer during the conversation.  Keep the background as neat and neutral as possible.
  7. Print out your resume, the job description, and your notes and place them in front of you.
  8. Be ready for the interview at least ten minutes in advance. Sit in front of the camera and be prepared to accept the call.
  9. Smile naturally. 
  10. Establish eye contact with the interviewer. 

In Conclusion

Video interviews can improve your chances to land a job, and that’s a fact. If you get prepared for the interview in the right way, you will double your chances to succeed. Use the tips given and you will achieve the goal you set.

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