The future is virtual: Virtual internships in the new normal

The year 2020 has been anything but ordinary & this virtual internship through it all has been nothing short of extraordinary! Virtual interaction could be in different modes or ways to fulfill the desired outcome. Depending on the task at hand, most of the companies are now using different platforms to communicate online with each other. As the whole World is now shifting online, we won’t meet anyone in person on a virtual internship. But still we are in regular contact with our reporting manager, team members and fellow interns. And that’s the best part!
Virtual internship is an experience which anyone could get through work from home; including, online training, orientation, placements and insights. One can easily refer to virtual internship experience as online internships, remote internships, or it could be an experience of being worked online. It’s more or less the same thing. This new way of internship is open to anyone and everyone across the globe, and it’s so self-paced that we can choose our own hours to work. All we need is an uninterrupted internet connection!
This pandemic situation of COVID-19 has rendered our traditional way of managing things and has left us with the only option of coming online. This is the reason people from varied age groups are now making themselves habitual of working on laptop, PCs, mobile or on tabs. Similarly, all businesses have started accepting remote work from their employees and adapting virtual working environments on a faster note for the coming future.
And so it has a huge impact on internship season, as well. As per the traditional work culture, summer internship had been observed initially during the month of April-July wherein hiring companies were used to open for the highest number of students so as to allow them pursue internship in their preferred location and domain. But due to COVID-19, many companies have put candidate applications on hold which are now gradually coming on its track through virtual internship programs. Many students have faced rejections while others get fair opportunity to ace the World.
Now a lot of companies decided to guide their interns virtually. Just after the first lockdown was observed in India the number of work-from-home internship applications and requirements has been raised up by 3 times than usual.
It shows even if the students have missed or received rejection on internship, a lot of opportunities are still coming on their way over the last few months through virtual platforms. They just need to update their resume with application as per company norms and pursue their preferred internship from the safety of their homes.
Before COVID-19 outbreak, only 39% hired virtual interns which have increased drastically to 63% in the last few months. Mixed set of virtual and in-office interns post COVID-19 will be considered keeping in mind to implement work-from-home policies. Hiring processes have been shifted online and are offering work-from-home until the pandemic situation improves. Our country is rapidly adapting to the new norm of teaching and learning.
Communication skills, creativity and time management is gaining interest. One must be tech savvy enough for remote working.
A concept of Creativity, Innovation, and Research are actually getting more value than a few years ago. Innovators are now reinventing their strategies and are introducing new market models. Collaborative plans have been launched. Keeping safety as priority, students and parents are avoiding physical interaction but have started sharing thoughts online.
Though Students and parents being worried are not only reconsidering their thoughts on career decisions but are also anxiously hoping for the better side of this prevailing uncertainty. The use of virtual platforms is increasing at a faster rate. Now it's a workplace for everyone. Similar trends have been observed in working dynamics. This is how the virtual internships came into play, considering online training as new norms.
Many companies were already familiar with remote work while others have faced many new challenges during this transition as initially their old employees were not habitual with the concept of working online, some were not tech-savvy enough. But gradually their zeal of learning something new, made them quite manageable with the coming trends & technology.
Though COVID-19 has implanted deeper roots of uncertainties while simultaneously virtual internships have added new colors to our rainbow of hopes and given us courage to accomplish our dreams. Virtual learning is gaining appreciation. Simulation is now an integral part of learning in the unforeseeable future. Virtual internships are like golden opportunities for everyone to gain certified essential skills that employers are looking for in 2021.