Article: How to get your resume seen by a human and past AI filters


How to get your resume seen by a human and past AI filters

AI has undoubtedly transformed the hiring process, making it more efficient but also more challenging for job seekers!
How to get your resume seen by a human and past AI filters

Right now, the job market is a tough place to be. Economic headwinds and layoffs abound, and there’s more competition than ever across most sectors. In this high-volume landscape, getting your resume in front of a human recruiter for actual consideration can feel virtually impossible.

With the proliferation of artificial intelligence in HR departments, most resumes are initially screened by automated systems well before they even reach a human’s desk. As General Manager for Veritone Hire, I’ve seen firsthand how these systems work and, more importantly, how you can ensure your resume makes it through the digital gatekeepers.

Designed to manage the flood of resumes received for each job posting. AI-powered applicant tracking systems (ATS) use algorithms to scan resumes for keywords and phrases that match the job description. While this helps HR teams filter out unqualified candidates, it also means that many qualified applicants might get overlooked simply because their resumes aren't tailored to beat the ATS.

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How to craft an ATS-friendly resume

To increase your chances of passing the initial AI screening, consider the following tips:

Use relevant keywords

Study the job description carefully and identify the key skills and qualifications mentioned. Incorporate these keywords naturally throughout your resume. However, avoid keyword stuffing – AI systems are sophisticated enough to detect and penalize this.

Simplify your document formatting

Fancy designs and complex formatting can confuse ATS software. Stick to a clean, straightforward layout with standard fonts and bullet points. Avoid using tables, graphics, or images, as these elements may not be parsed correctly.

Use standard section headings

Label sections of your resume with conventional headings such as Experience, Education, and Skills. This helps the ATS understand and categorise the information correctly.

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Tailor each resume

Customise your resume for each job application. Generic resumes are less likely to make it past AI filters. Highlight the experiences and skills most relevant to the specific position you’re applying for.

Include a skills section

Create a dedicated skills section that lists both hard and soft skills mentioned in the job description. This makes it easier for the ATS to identify your qualifications quickly.

The human element behind resume screening

While getting past the AI is crucial, remember that your ultimate goal is to impress a human recruiter. Here’s how to ensure your resume resonates with the people making the hiring decisions:

Show impact

Quantify your achievements wherever possible. Instead of saying you “improved sales,” specify that you “increased sales by 20% over six months”. Concrete numbers and specific outcomes are compelling to recruiters.

Tell a story

Your resume should tell a coherent story about your career progression. Highlight how your past experiences and accomplishments have prepared you for the role you’re applying for.

Be honest

Always be truthful about your skills and experiences. Misrepresenting yourself can lead to issues later in the hiring process, and AI systems are increasingly adept at cross-referencing information.


Typos and grammatical errors can leave a poor impression. Ensure your resume is free of mistakes, as these can be a red flag to both AI systems and human recruiters.

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PRO TIP: In addition to crafting an ATS-friendly resume, consider leveraging technology to your advantage. Use tools like resume scanners to test how well your resume performs against ATS criteria before submitting it. These tools can provide valuable feedback and help you make necessary adjustments.

Networking still matters!

Despite the rise of AI in hiring, traditional networking remains a powerful tool. Personal connections can sometimes bypass the ATS entirely, getting your resume directly into the hands of a decision-maker. Attend industry events, join professional groups, and engage on platforms such as LinkedIn to build your network.

AI has undoubtedly transformed the hiring process, making it more efficient but also more challenging for job seekers. By understanding how these systems work and tailoring your resume accordingly, you can increase your chances of getting noticed. Remember, the goal is to get past the AI and make a lasting impression on the human recruiter who ultimately makes the hiring decision.

Good luck, and happy job hunting!

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Topics: Recruitment, Recruitment Technology, #Career

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