Article: Tech to redefine new age EX

A Brand Reachout InitiativeHCM/HRMS/HRIS

Tech to redefine new age EX

Learn ho you can revolutionise EX by leveraging latest technologies
Tech to redefine new age EX

n a world where personal convenience is just a tap away, why should work be any different? Yet, a startling revelation shows that employees spend a hefty 40% of their workday tangled in a web of disconnected HR systems. This tangled mess not only breeds frustration but also saps productivity and undermines overall business performance.

Enter our game-changing e-book, “Modernizing HR: Design Thinking and New Technologies to Enhance Employee Experience,” crafted in collaboration with ServiceNow and Deloitte. This guide is your gateway to transforming HR from a labyrinth of inefficiencies into a streamlined, user-centric powerhouse.

Discover how design thinking—a revolutionary approach focused on understanding and addressing user needs—can revamp your HR function. By embracing this innovative mindset, you can cut through the chaos, boost employee productivity by up to 30%, and foster a thriving workplace culture.

Tired of clunky HR processes? Design Thinking can revolutionize your HR department, making it as smooth as your favorite app.
Ready to turn HR into a profit powerhouse? Data-driven approach shows how a focus on the employee experience can deliver a 25% boost to your bottom line.

Don't let HR transformation slow you down. FastForward EX helps create digital HR department that delivers results.
 Create an HR experience so exceptional it inspires innovation and drives success.


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Topics: HCM/HRMS/HRIS, #NewHorizon

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