Podcast: In times of crisis, lead with humanity

If you look at what the world of work is going through these days, you will see how conversations are slowly shifting from AI and automation replacing jobs to conversations around ‘being human’. In this special podcast, Jacob Morgan, best-selling author, futurist, and the founder of FutureofWorkUniversity.com talks to us about how the narrative in the world of work is now changing to putting people at the centre of everything!
Business is still fundamentally about people, about relationships and about taking care of each other. In these tough times, it is heartening to hear stories about CEOs letting go off their salaries, committing to not laying off their employees and putting people at the core of everything. These are the things that matter far more than anything else, says Morgan.
Now is the best time for leaders to raise their vulnerability and humility and say that they actually do not know what the best solution is. Why don’t we bring in our employees and talk to them about it and get suggestions and ideas? Maybe they can help us come up with solutions that will help everybody to be taken care of. Admit you don’t have all the answers, seek suggestions from your employees. Don’t just focus purely on numbers, ask your employees how they are doing. Be a good human being first, and then be a leader of an organization.