Article: The Four-Day Workweek: Can we achieve more in less time?

Life @ Work

The Four-Day Workweek: Can we achieve more in less time?

Four-day workweeks show promise in Australia, New Zealand, the UK, and the US. Dubai's new trial adds global focus. Will this become the future of work?
The Four-Day Workweek: Can we achieve more in less time?

The global buzz around four-day workweek trials is growing, with early results exceeding expectations and challenging the traditional work paradigm. Productivity and employee well-being are seeing significant boosts, fueling widespread interest. In the UK, a groundbreaking trial involving over 3,000 employees has proven especially impactful—92% of the participating companies have decided to make the shorter workweek permanent, underscoring its transformative potential..

These companies reported no decrease in output and a boost in staff motivation. Similar promising results have emerged from trials in Iceland and New Zealand. For many firms, the positive outcomes appear to outweigh the challenges of implementing a four-day workweek.

Germany's recent foray into the four-day workweek adds another data point. Launched in February 2024, their six-month trial involves 45 companies and nearly 600 employees working one less day with full pay.

The Middle East is also joining the four-day workweek trend. Dubai has recently initiated a pilot program for government employees, extending weekends to three days from Friday to Sunday. This ambitious experiment aims to enhance work-life balance, boost productivity, and position Dubai as a global business hub. The results of this trial will be closely watched by businesses and policymakers worldwide, potentially influencing future workplace trends.

Although only a few companies have adopted a four-day workweek, the rise of AI apps like ChatGPT and Google’s Gemini may accelerate this trend. A recent survey of 1,000 U.S.-based business leaders revealed that companies with extensive AI experience were over twice as likely to consider a four-day workweek compared to those without.

However, despite growing optimism, some uncertainties remain. Can productivity gains be sustained as these trials scale up? Will large multinationals replicate the success seen in smaller companies? Most crucially, does the shorter workweek align with the science of human productivity, or is there a potential mismatch? Answering these questions will determine whether the four-day workweek becomes a revolutionary shift or remains a disruptive experiment.

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Why is everyone excited? 

The concept of a four-day workweek with maintained pay and benefits is not entirely a novel concept. Juliet Schor, a professor at Boston College and four-day week researcher, posits that the adoption of this model has been turbocharged by the COVID pandemic. In an insightful TED talk, Schor highlights that if companies can rethink “where” people work, they can also rethink “how many days” they're on the job. 

"If companies can rethink “where” people work, they can also rethink “how many days” they're on the job." The future of work hinges on willingness to challenge assumptions" –Juliet Schor, Professor, Boston College & 4-day week researcher

Beyond reported metrics like lower absenteeism and carbon footprint, three factors drive swelling four-day week excitement:

1. Early successes: With growing examples of companies sustaining output, revenue and talent retention while enhancing work-life balance, the four-day case is strengthening beyond scepticism. The positive signals far outweigh implementation risks for many.  

2. Economic pressures: With inflation at 40-year highs, mass layoffs intensifying, employees seek relief via fewer work hours alongside sustained pay to manage rising costs. Employers also flirt with condensed weeks to optimise strained budgets amid talk of impending recessions.

3. Cultural tailwinds: Younger staff and leaders prioritise purpose and principles relatively higher over pay alone. Rising distributed work models also compel rethinking dated assumptions on productivity, office presence, etc. The prevailing zeitgeist demands change.

But will results cross contexts?

Charlotte Lockhart, who has led global four-day week trials covering over 200 companies as Director of 4 Day Week Global, observes, “It’s gaining traction far quicker than expected as resounding proof cases emerge from major economy trials.”  

"Evidence shows four-day models enhance focus, motivation and health while sustaining output. But, success depends on establishing trust between leadership and staff first, not just slashing days” –Charlotte Lockhart, Founder, 4 Day Week Global

However, Charlotte --who is currently collaborating with several governments to create an equitable method for transitioning to reduced work hours, offers a cautionary note. “While evidence mounts in favour of shorter weeks, merely reducing days without deeper coordination between staff and leadership risks suboptimal, fleeting gains.”  This aligns with Gallup’s research showing engaged employees maintain performance through deriving deeper work purpose, irrespective of fewer hours.

Responsible transitions require empowering employees to solve challenges creatively instead of reactive diktats from the top down. It means embracing small experiments first before wide actions. Because proof exists on four-day success - UK-based Tyler Grange Consulting increased productivity and boosted talent retention after adopting permanent four-day weeks post-pilots.

"Blanket four-day mandates can backfire if overloaded employees face increased stress. Customised applications by leaders are essential" –Anthony Smith, COO, Atlas

Anthony Smith, COO at Atlas, echoes a similar sentiment. He advocates for a conscious approach, suggesting that “feasibility varies across locations and job types”.  Alternative models like “9-work-days interspersed with 1 complete break” day can deliver flexibility while ensuring continuity.” But he cautions against context ignorance. “I’ve seen four-day efforts backfire when employees already suffer high stress and workloads. For success, determine if less time worsens pressures.”

Macro challenges demand nuance

Opponents of the four-day workweek argue that it is costly to recruit and maintain employees, as full-time workers come with added expenses such as benefits. Many workers prioritise higher pay over shorter workweeks. Scepticism also arises due to concerns about reduced productivity as seen in Sweden's trial where the reduced hours experiment was deemed unsustainable due to high costs. 

However, beyond isolated gains, widespread sustainable success requires nuance in implementation. If managed responsibly, four-day schedules can enhance experience for various roles. CEO Meghan M. Biro emphasises thoughtful planning and leader support to positively influence organisational culture during schedule changes. Here are three things to keep in mind.

Leadership preparedness: From updating legacy management habits to reskilling execs in leading hybrid teams, organisations must upgrade their capability to transition work norms smoothly.

Rigour in execution: Progress tracking mechanisms, output coordination processes, collaborative tooling – all demand examination to maintain speed at lower work hours.

Regional customisation: Multinationals must consider feasibility country-by-country based on local labour laws, job types, economic conditions and demographics.  

The path ahead

The four-day efficacy scaling sustains only if anchored in culture and trust. Beyond promising applied benefits like talent retention amid uncertainties, its larger significance lies in unlocking human potential ahead rather than strangling it against dated linear notions of commercial success.  

For forward-thinking leaders, the journey ahead isn't just about bold steps but about taking thoughtful, strategic actions tailored to the unique challenges they face. Embracing the lessons from quick, iterative failures is essential as the window for smooth transitions is rapidly closing. If we don't act now, far greater disruptions are on the horizon, threatening to upend outdated practices. The choice we make isn't just about the days ahead—it's about what we truly value in our work and whether we're prepared to live up to those ideals. The time to act is now, before circumstances force our hand.

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