Empathy for Economy — why should you care?

The vaccine rollout & massive fiscal stimulus of the past several months have been driving economic improvement in the post-COVID working world, and the OECD predicts global economic growth to be 5.8% for 2021 — a sharp upwards revision from the December 2020 projection. Most executives are looking at these projections and revisiting their plans to seize these exciting new business opportunities.
However, despite this projection for economic improvement, many workers have — naturally — been struggling with the remote and hybrid working conditions of our post-pandemic context. Limited contact with our teams and managers as well as juggling family and domestic responsibilities has taken its toll, and workers have conseqeuntly been experiencing burnout and compromised mental health.
Gartner reports that many employees are currently struggling with overload & emotional drain. Similarly, research from Microsoft reveals that up to 54% of workers feel overworked & exhausted. Most shockingly, perhaps, Microsoft predicts that over 41% of the global workforce is likely to consider leaving their current employer within the following year! So, while we may be out of the pandemic with favourable economic conditions, the reality is that organizations will need to deal with a depleted, drained, and exhausted workforce.
Considering this paradox, where is this growth going to come from?
It’s self-evident that workers — now more than ever —are struggling and need to be supported through this VUCA transition. But, how can senior management move the needle to lead business and functional verticals towards a more psychologically safe workplace? How can we tap into a discretionary effort for productivity & innovation?
The answer lies in designing a culture that promotes productivity & innovation with trust, empathy, and compassion…
Join us at our upcoming BeNext Program:
Building a Culture of Empathy for Productivity & Innovation
August 30th — October 1st, 2021
This expert-led, 5-week cohort-based learning journey will guide you through the following key aspects:
- How to create capacity to capture business opportunities and at the same time balance the needs of individuals & teams
- How to make empathy a core part of the DNA of organizations
- How to complement leaders’ technical skills with their ability to connect, relate, and maximize outcomes from their teams
- How organizations can use tools like the “Empathy Stories,” “ACE model” (Altruism, Compassion, and Empathy), “Trust Equation,” and many more tool sets to help us move from ACTING to BEING empathetic
- How to achieve both employee accountability and avoid burnout
Experts in the Program
- Michael Jenkins — CEO of Singapore-based Expert Humans and Author of ‘Expert Humans: Critical Leadership Skills for a Disrupted World’
- Godelieve Van Dooren CEO, of South East Asia Growth Markets, Mercer
- Jean-Luc Mommaerts Burnout expert & Founder, AURELIS
- Stuart Neilson Associate Director, UK & Nordics, Mark’ennovy
- Mukta Arya MD & Regional Head of HR, Société Générale and Global Fellow by Wharton University
Registration closes on 27/8/2021
Click here to learn more and enroll.
People Matters BeNext