Article: Dr. Jaclyn Lee on accelerating culture change with digital tools


Dr. Jaclyn Lee on accelerating culture change with digital tools

In her new book, Dr. Jaclyn Lee, CHRO, Singapore University of Technology and Design, addresses the challenge of accelerating culture change in organizations, the world over.
Dr. Jaclyn Lee on accelerating culture change with digital tools

In an era of constant change, Dr. Jaclyn Lee’s new book “Accelerating Organization Culture Change: Innovation Through Digital Tools” addresses one of the most relevant and high-priority challenges faced by people leaders in businesses across the world. 

With more than 25 years of experience in the HR and capability building domain, Dr. Jaclyn is currently the Chief Human Resources Officer at the Singapore University of Technology and Design. She has played an instrumental role in building the foundation of workforce management at the university and has led large-scale organisational changes in Singapore and Asia. 

As a thought leader in the space of HR Analytics and technology, her most recent work sheds light on ways in which business leaders can speed up cultural change in their respective organizations by transforming employee mindsets and aligning diverse workforces to the strategic organizational goals at the backdrop of Industry 4.0. 

Accelerating culture change

Dr. Jaclyn points out that culture change and organizational transformation is inevitable. 

At the same time, culture change requires smart work. It is a process that requires HR and business leaders to work in tandem and never give up in spite of the initial slow success. 

This book offers readers a toolkit to reduce failure rates. Dr. Jaclyn urges her readers to leverage the Culture Acceleration Tool and Methodology (CATM) which is a blend of the Organizational Cultural Assessment Instrument, Action Design Thinking, and Group Decision Support Systems, methodologies. 

A culmination of Dr. Jaclyn’s research into the area of using digital tools to speed up culture acceleration and to reduce human biases when conducting cultural transformation projects in organizations, this book is based on the premise that the digital age is complex and change projects are subject to process losses. 

“This is an opportunity for me to share two decades of experience in managing large change projects,” said Dr. Jaclyn. “I hope that my experience might help others who are also going through a similar journey.” 

Reducing failure rates 

The toolkit is designed to enable organizations to “reduce the cycle time of organizational change and reduce the failure rates.” 

The book is designed to help industry leaders to align with Industry 4.0 and change. Chapters range from topics such as future of work, digital tools, and a robust change methodology. Real-life case studies are also a part of this study as learning from companies that have successfully implemented the CATM methodology for change can enable others to derive inspiration and brainstorm on creating clear goals for their respective organizations. It concludes with a debate on the future of digital tools as a change agent where Dr. Jaclyn dives deep into her insights from her time as the Vice President of HR at a Temasek-linked company.

Readers would be able to learn much  from the successful case studies illustrated in her book and apply their learning within their companies.  

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Topics: Culture, #Work Culture

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