News: Disney lays off 300 people in a surprise same-day meeting


Disney lays off 300 people in a surprise same-day meeting

The latest round of job cuts at Disney has impacted people employed in human resources, legal, editorial, and finance, among other departments.
Disney lays off 300 people in a surprise same-day meeting

In a surprise meeting, Disney announced its decision to lay off 300 people as part of a cost-saving initiative. This round of job cuts has impacted people employed in human resources, legal, editorial, and finance, among other departments.

Earlier in July, Disney let go about 140 employees in its television division. Christine Collins who worked with Disney as an acquiring assistant editor and one of those who were impacted due to this layoff posted a heartfelt note on LinkedIn.

According to Christine, Disney announced the elimination of her position in a surprise same-day meeting into a conference room with HR and a manager several levels above her.

“My time at Disney•Hyperion has been defined by firsts. First full-time job after college. First promotion. First acquisition. First auction pre-empt. First starred review (followed by several more starred reviews!). First state award. First national recognition for my books. And now, the “first” that everyone hopes not to experience: first layoff,” Christine posted on LinkedIn.

In 2023, Disney laid off thousands of employees posted across the globe.

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Topics: Business, #HRCommunity, #Layoffs

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