News: Best city to find a job: Singapore emerges 7th


Best city to find a job: Singapore emerges 7th

A recent study by Movinga on the best cities globally to find a job in, scored Singapore 7th out of the 100 countries surveyed.
Best city to find a job: Singapore emerges 7th

German relocation company, Movinga conducted a research recently to study 100 cities across the based on how they fare when it comes to the job market. The research was part of a project series called Cities of Opportunity. Jobs being the foremost reason behind all relocations, their deep-dive was aimed at understanding the strengths and weaknesses of the cities surveyed. One of the hottest business hubs at the moment, Singapore ranked 7th out of the 100 cities with regard to being the best city to find a job in.

Finn Age Hänsel, Managing Director at Movinga says, “Digitalization means that companies can now attract skilled employees from all four corners of the globe, so for talented job-seekers, there are now more career opportunities than ever before. However, cities which offer high salaries may be misleading, as incomes in these nations are often negated by additional healthcare costs and high tax rates."

Another point that Hänsel oijnts out is  that while some cities may offer great opportunities for men, the wage gap and opportunities provides to women could be very diiferent. These considerations need to be born in mind while analyzing different job markets. The countries mapped out by the study were scored out of the following 5 broad themes and 14 subsidiary parameters:

Parameters for cities of opportunity 

While Singapore ranked 7th in being the best city to find a job in overall, with regard to youth employment and being a hub for young individuals to find a job it, it ranked 2nd right after Dubai. While Norway got the highest scores in providing a conducive environment for women to pursue their careers in, Singapore ranked 9th. Being cities that are emerging as fast-evolving business hubs, Singapore and Hong Kong offer a glimpse into interesting markets for study and analysis.


Cities of opportunities research

Besides being a great city to work in, Singapore also scored the highest total in economic strength and government effectiveness. These factors contribute greatly to the choice people make as well especially when it comes to relocations. With most companies working on local contracts and doing away with expat packages, the face of global relocation and expatriation has changed considerably. Creating a balanced, global hub like Singapore may be the best way forward for cities to build an environment where people want to work in and do not mind moving to.

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Topics: Culture, #Jobs, #GlobalPerspective, #Career

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