News: 40% of employees don't feel safe returning to work: Survey

Employee Engagement

40% of employees don't feel safe returning to work: Survey

The availability of vaccinations is not noticeably making employees in Singapore more reassured about returning to the workplace, according to the preliminary findings of a National Employee Experience Transformation survey.
40% of employees don't feel safe returning to work: Survey

Despite the pandemic being largely under control in Singapore, 43 percent of employees in the city-state still do not feel safe returning to the workplace, according to the initial findings of a survey conducted by the Institute of HR Professionals (IHRP), the Singapore HR Institute (SHRI), and HR tech firm EngageRocket. The number decreases only a little (to 39.6 percent) if staff are vaccinated.

This high level of caution is in contrast to earlier government announcements that up to 75 percent of employees can now return to work amid the relaxation of health and safety restrictions.

Part of the reason for employees' reluctance may be their perception that they are more productive at home, with the survey also finding that 78 percent of employees who are working mostly at home feel productive in their roles. This is quite a large jump from the initial move to WFH in April 2020, when 57 percent said they felt productive working from home.

In comparison, 73 percent of employees who are working mostly at the office feel productive in their roles, indicating that employees' comfort level and ability to cope with flexible work is at least on par with their attitudes toward working in-office.

Mayank Parekh, CEO of the Institute for Human Resource Professionals, said of the numbers: “These initial findings one year into the pandemic reinforce the resilience of the Singapore workforce. As Singapore eases more pandemic restrictions, a “hybrid” approach to working will promote more inclusive, productive and human-centric workplaces. This is not only good for employees but also for business.”

According to the organizations behind the survey, the full results will be released later in the year.

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Topics: Employee Engagement, #COVID-19

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