News: 54% of insurance professionals would leave the industry for a better work-life balance

Employee Engagement

54% of insurance professionals would leave the industry for a better work-life balance

According to Vertafore’s fourth annual survey of the independent insurance agency workforce, 85% would recommend a career in insurance. However, More than half (54%) would leave the industry for a better work-life balance.
54% of insurance professionals would leave the industry for a better work-life balance

Vertafore’s latest survey of independent agents highlights the need for remote work options, time-saving technology, and an inclusive workforce to attract and retain industry talent. This report by Vertafore on the state of the independent insurance channel workforce brings into sharp relief how the pandemic changed the nature of work in the industry, what insurance professionals value about their work, and what independent agencies can do to support their people now and attract new talent in the future.

The Insurance Agency Workforce: Ripe for Flexibility, Innovation, and Investment in People details the results of Vertafore’s fourth annual survey of the independent insurance agency workforce. The report’s key findings show:

  • Agencies may need to reassess the future of the five-day-a-week office culture
  • Insurance professionals continue to find their work rewarding but also reported more stress in 2020
  • Compared to previous surveys, fewer respondents plan to stay in the industry for more than 10 years and many are eyeing retirement
  • Core InsurTech solutions are helping insurance professionals to be more efficient, but adoption of more modern tools remains modest
  • Agents ultimately want more time in their day for meaningful client interactions


The majority of respondents reported working from home at least part-time during the pandemic. That may have implications for the future of office culture. When asked about their ideal work environment, just 15 percent of respondents said they want to go back to the office full-time. Two-thirds of respondents would like some mix of time at home and in the office, while nearly 1 in 5 want to work fully remotely.

“Organizations will need to listen to their people and keep an open mind for what the flexible workplace will look like in the future,” said Kristin Nease, VP of Human Resources at Vertafore. “There is no one-size-fits-all solution. Organizations need to have open, authentic conversations with their team about what will and won’t work for their people and their business.”

As in past years, respondents said their favorite aspects of working in insurance are the “ability to work directly with my community” and “compensation/financial stability.” Some respondents also commented on the industry’s employment stability in the face of COVID-19.

Most (85 percent) would recommend a career in insurance. However, many also stated that the industry is stressful and were more conditional about recommending a career in insurance to a friend. More than half (54 percent) would leave the industry for a better work-life balance.

When it comes to technology, a clear majority of respondents (70 percent) said that InsurTech has increased their overall efficiency and 17 percent believe it has strengthened their client relationships. Most respondents also believe their agency is keeping up with tech advances.

The Vertafore study made it clear that agencies are facing a huge transition in talent. Respondents aged 56 and older made up 35 percent of those surveyed, while only 25 percent of respondents were under age 40. That gap reinforces findings from previous years that show the industry is aging and isn’t attracting enough young talent to compensate for older workers who are nearing retirement. Based on survey results and industry research, the report notes agencies can invest in three primary areas for recruitment and retention: women, young people and diversity and inclusion.

“The insurance industry will have to get creative when it comes to filling the huge people shortage we are facing now and in the coming years as the older generation retires,” said Nease. “We need innovative solutions, and we need to align with what is important to a younger and more diverse group of people.”

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