News: Global burnout crisis: Nearly half of workers affected, says BCG

Employee Engagement

Global burnout crisis: Nearly half of workers affected, says BCG

Could increasing workplace inclusion be the key to halting burnout?
Global burnout crisis: Nearly half of workers affected, says BCG

Are your employees feeling left out? Chances are, this feeling of exclusion is also burning them out.

Nearly half of workers worldwide report experiencing burnout, a recent survey by Boston Consulting Group (BCG) involving 11,000 employees across eight countries has found.

The study, "Four Keys to Boosting Inclusion and Beating Burnout," indicates that 48% of desk-based and frontline workers in Australia, Canada, France, Germany, India, Japan, the UK, and the US are battling burnout symptoms such as exhaustion and disenchantment with their jobs.

However, the research also highlights that when employees feel included and valued, the likelihood of burnout decreases by half.

Factors that influence a sense of inclusion

BCG utilised its BLISS Index to measure inclusion, which assesses factors including access to resources, managerial support, psychological safety, and equal opportunities.

"Inclusion doesn't end at recruitment. It requires listening to workers on an ongoing basis and addressing their pain points," stated Gabrielle Novacek, a BCG managing director and co-author of the report. "It must address both the employee offer and the daily experience of employees with their managers."

The report identifies four key factors influencing employees' sense of inclusion:

  • Adequate access to resources
  • Strong senior managerial support
  • Psychological safety with direct managers
  • Fair and equal opportunities

These areas, however, also showed the lowest satisfaction levels among survey respondents. Groups such as women, LGBTQ+, people with disabilities, and deskless workers reported burnout rates up to 26% higher than others and expressed lower feelings of inclusion.

The report underscores the critical importance of inclusion in fostering engaged, productive workforces and mitigating costs such as higher attrition. 

How to combat workplace burnout

To tackle burnout and improve inclusion, talent leaders can implement these four strategies:

1. Enhance managerial training and support 

Establish training initiatives that provide managers with the skills necessary to identify signs of burnout and create an inclusive environment. Training should cover emotional intelligence, active listening, and fair management practices. Encourage managers to hold regular check-ins with their teams to facilitate open communication and address any issues promptly.

2. Implement and promote flexible work arrangements 

Introducing flexibility in work schedules and locations can greatly alleviate stress and help prevent burnout. Allowing employees to tailor their work environments to their personal and familial needs not only reduces stress but also signals an organisation's commitment to inclusivity and adaptability.

3. Strengthen Support Systems and Access to Resources

Make sure that all employees have equitable access to resources for effectively performing at their jobs. This includes tangible resources such as equipment and software, as well as support for career development and mental health.

Creating employee resource groups can also offer peer support and cultivate a sense of community among marginalised groups.

4. Monitor and Enhance Inclusion Metrics 

Apply measurement tools such as the BLISS Index to continuously track and evaluate the level of inclusion within the organisation. Leveraging data to pinpoint areas lacking in inclusion can guide targeted actions.

Implement feedback systems that allow employees to share concerns and suggestions about inclusivity and the workplace environment anonymously.

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Topics: Employee Engagement, #Wellbeing

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