Article: How Indosat is leading change in HR with empathetic AI

Strategic HR

How Indosat is leading change in HR with empathetic AI

Embedding empathy into AI solutions while maintaining human oversight, Indosat has created a system that fosters HR excellence.
How Indosat is leading change in HR with empathetic AI

"To ensure empathy is felt in every interaction, we use sentiment analysis, tailoring responses to be emotionally resonant," the CHRO said.


JAKARTA – While some organisations tiptoe around the prospect of integrating artificial intelligence – worried it may be more of a menace than a marvel – Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison (Indosat) believes AI, when wielded thoughtfully, can cut down inefficiencies while maintaining the human touch.

AI and robotic process automation pick up the slack on tedious, repetitive tasks, allowing employees to focus on more strategic, high-value work. What once felt like being stuck in a quagmire of paperwork has now become a breeze, empowering employees to manage their time more effectively and ultimately boosting job satisfaction.

Indosat’s proprietary tool, ASTRID, which stands for Assistant for Robotic Administration Indosat, is an AI-powered virtual assistant that has already become the ‘right-hand’ person for many employees.

Handling over 3,100 interactions, ASTRID has turned routine queries into quick exchanges. Yet, ASTRID is no cold, unfeeling robot—its responses are tailored and empathetic, ensuring employees feel heard. It’s a blend of efficiency and warmth.

People Matters spoke to Irsyad Sahroni, Director and CHRO, Indosat, regarding the company’s integration of AI in HR, from initial challenges to long-term strategic success.

Indosat’s integration of AI into HR has been transformative. What were the key challenges you faced when introducing AI and RPA into the workforce, and how did you address employee concerns about automation?

One of the biggest challenges we faced was the apprehension among employees about the potential impact of AI and RPA on their job security. There were concerns that automation could lead to job displacement. To address this, we focused on transparent communication, ensuring employees understood that these technologies were introduced to enhance productivity, not replace human roles. We emphasised that AI and RPA would allow them to focus on higher-value tasks by automating repetitive ones, and we provided training to help them adapt to working alongside these new tools.

How has ASTRID resulted in the efficiency of HR processes, and what feedback have you received from employees regarding their interactions with the system?

ASTRID has significantly improved the efficiency of our HR processes by streamlining employee communication and providing quicker access to information and support. The system has reduced response times and allowed HR to address employee needs more promptly. Feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, with employees appreciating how intuitive and accessible ASTRID is, particularly noting that they feel more connected and supported as the system helps them resolve queries faster and more effectively.

Empathetic AI is a unique concept. How has this technology helped improve communication between employees and HR, and how do you ensure that the empathy in these interactions is genuinely felt by employees?

Empathetic AI has been transformative in strengthening the connection between HR and employees. For example, we use AI to send personalised recovery messages to employees who file for inpatient insurance, ensuring prompt communication. This system also alerts their People Managers, enabling greater awareness and support while respecting confidentiality.

To ensure empathy is felt in every interaction, we use sentiment analysis, tailoring responses to be emotionally resonant.

Continuous feedback from employees allows us to fine-tune these systems, making sure AI interactions remain compassionate, genuine, and responsive to both emotional and professional needs.

One of your standout tools is the Career Simulator, which helps employees explore career paths using machine learning. Can you elaborate on how this tool has influenced talent development and employee retention at Indosat?

The Career Simulator has revolutionised how employees approach their career development by providing personalised career paths and learning recommendations powered by machine learning. It allows employees to explore growth opportunities tailored to their skills and aspirations, creating a more engaging and proactive development experience. This data-driven guidance has also empowered managers to offer more focused and individualised coaching, boosting their confidence in guiding their teams. As a result, employees feel more supported in their career journeys, which has contributed to higher motivation and loyalty, improving overall retention.

AI in HR often raises concerns about the human element being lost. How does Indosat ensure a balance between efficiency and a human-centered approach?

At Indosat, we maintain this balance by using AI to handle routine and repetitive tasks while ensuring that HR teams focus on strategic, high-impact queries. AI solutions like ASTRID provide quick, personalised responses, freeing up HR to engage with more complex and emotionally sensitive issues.

With Indosat winning the 2024 Stevie Award for HR Department of the Year, what do you believe sets your AI-driven HR practices apart from other companies in Indonesia and the region?

Our focus is on ensuring that every AI-driven interaction is thoughtful and empathetic, with technology serving to complement and enrich the human touch in HR processes. By embedding empathy into our AI solutions and maintaining human oversight in key areas, we’ve created an HR system that supports operational excellence while prioritising the well-being and engagement of our employees, making us a leader in AI-driven HR practices.

You’ve spoken about how employees should view AI as a tool for competitive advantage rather than a threat. How has Indosat fostered this mindset among the workforce, and what initiatives have helped employees become more comfortable with AI?

At Indosat, we’ve emphasised that AI is not here to replace people, but rather to empower those who embrace it. Our leadership has been transparent in communicating this message, often saying, “AI won’t replace people, but people who use AI might replace those who don’t.”

To reinforce this mindset, we’ve focused on clear, consistent communication about our AI initiatives through meetings, town halls, and team catch-ups. We also offer formal training programmes that cover AI fundamentals, machine learning, and how these technologies can be integrated into daily tasks. These initiatives help employees see AI as an ally, equipping them with the skills and confidence to leverage it effectively in their roles.

Looking ahead, how do you see AI further evolving within Indosat’s HR operations, and what future technologies or innovations are you excited to explore in improving both employee experience and business outcomes?

We anticipate that AI will continue to transform Indosat’s HR operations, particularly in creating personalised and engaging employee experiences. One area we’re excited about is integrating AI more deeply into the onboarding process. We’re looking at AI-driven solutions that can design customised onboarding plans and interactive training modules tailored to each new hire’s role and needs. This approach will create a more engaging and supportive onboarding experience, helping employees acclimate faster to their responsibilities and the company culture.

We’re also exploring advancements in AI-driven analytics to predict talent needs, improve workforce planning, and further enhance employee well-being and productivity.

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Topics: Strategic HR, HR Technology, Technology, #Artificial Intelligence

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