Article: Cognification, the great enabler


Cognification, the great enabler

Human Resource today has a great opportunity to ride the technology wave and embrace advancements to not only make HR more agile but also smarter, more efficient and effective in managing HR processes
Cognification, the great enabler

When we talk about technology, we think of IT, telecom, mobile phones and advancements in medical science, big data and smart apps for nearly all conveniences. Is that it? No! As technology grown leaps and bounds with continuous innovation and new start-ups finding newer avenues to automate, disruption has become the new buzz word. Today, there is almost nothing that cannot be done sitting at home, including viewing the world from the top of Mt. Everest! 

Since the first industrial revolution, man has worked towards automating processes to bring in more efficiencies. The current “digital” revolution takes a giant leap forward by bringing in a completely new dimension, effectiveness. Horse power has been replaced by brain power. Today, measuring performance is not about how fast the system is, but how smart it is. We are at the cusp of Artificial Smartness. If Artificial Intelligence gave us Siri and live traffic on Google maps, Artificial Smartness will give us the next level, tools that take decisions based on predictive past behaviors like self-driven cars, brought about by the cognification or interconnectivity between unequal systems synergizing to provide a smart response. IBM Watson has the ability to read medical literature and connect patterns to provide better ways for doctors to identify options for treatment.

Human Resource today has a great opportunity to ride this wave and embrace technology advancements to not only make HR more agile but also smarter, more efficient and effective in managing HR processes. Cognification will enable the HR function take a giant leap forward. Terms like empowerment, self-driven, self-learning, management by fact etc., presently a challenge for organizations today can become the next potential wave. 

Imagine a world where relevant information is made available to each employee on their personal devices in real-time — like helping recruiting managers by tapping multiple data sources to develop candidate profiles, schedule interviews, make decisions about prospective job candidates while getting relevant questions based on the roles, predictive analysis indicating the propensity of potential candidates’ willingness to join, real-time chatbots answering to HR questions while tracking real time usage of systems and, based on type and volume of questions being asked,  identifying a potential problem and providing a solution before it becomes an issue. 

Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master -Christian Lous Lange.

If Artificial Intelligence gave us Siri and live traffic on Google maps, Artificial Smartness will give us the next level, tools that take decisions based on predictive past behaviors

HR needs to be ready for this transformation which is already happening. New skills need to be acquired by HR to take advantage of using AI/AS in HR. With all these technological advancements, once should not forget that, especially for HR, its human to human engagement that brings about the culture of an organization. HR Technology, however advanced, should facilitate this and not impede the human element. After all, its people we are dealing with and not machines. One must be cognizant of the fact that no two people are the same and adoption to technology and its usage is as effective as the person who is controlling it.

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Topics: C-Suite, Technology, #IntoTheFuture

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