Article: Culture Bytes to get digital right!


Culture Bytes to get digital right!

As you tackle the digital transformation journey head-on, let us help you get your strategy right with Culture Bytes from global experts leading the people, culture and digital space.
Culture Bytes to get digital right!

Chasing a new, shiny technology is always exciting--especially when you are in the middle of a digital transformation journey. However, let’s pause for a moment. In this chase for something new, aren’t you forgetting something that you already have? Your company culture. The people whom you work with day-in and day-out. 

Cultural alignment with your digital journey will set you up for a successful digital journey. 

At this critical juncture, some leaders might be trading off culture for new technology. Now is the time to do a reality check. Is your organizational culture digital-ready? 

About 82 percent of the executives believe that a digital-ready culture can provide a competitive advantage to the company. Does your company have this competitive edge yet? 

To help you bridge this gap and become digitally-ready, the People Matters Editorial team identified cultural pillars of digital transformation: Creativity, Agility, People-Focus, and Transparency; we also bring to you some Culture Bytes from global experts in people, culture, and the digital landscape.

Here’s what leaders from around the world had to say about #CultureForDigital: 

Listen to global experts share their take on creating the right culture for digital here.


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Topics: Culture, #CultureForDigital

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