Article: “Employee Experience” What is it, and why should you care?”

Employee Engagement

“Employee Experience” What is it, and why should you care?”

Let’s take a look at how HR leaders can build a culture of valuing employee experience in order to succeed in the journey towards digital transformation.
“Employee Experience” What is it, and why should you care?”

Today, “Employee Experience” (EX) goes beyond old-school benefits such as compensation, technology, and performance. EX is not a synonym for Employee Engagement, it’s not just another word  for the Employee Lifecycle. Is Employee Experience just another buzzword how to measure the satisfaction of your people? No, it’s not. 

Actually, EX is nothing new. EX is the whole “Ecosystem” that covers interactions with a future, current or a previous employee. Part of EX is the employee lifecycle which is divided in:

  • Attract--Recruit--Hire--Onboard--Engage--Perform--Develop--Depart-Alumni.

But this is only ONE part of EX. 

Employer brand, the cultural behavior, the corporate social responsibility, what do influencers say (family, friends, press, social media, etc.) are important factors that need to be taken into account when you talk about EX. The shared and aligned behaviors of the company are what makes it a compelling place to work.

Research shows that EX is an important and complex strategy, requiring companies to evaluate the close connection between employees’ physical, social and cultural environment, as well as the tools and relationships they need to accomplish work on a daily basis.

Even in a digital world, it’s the people who make the difference!

It’s no secret that motivated and engaged employees are the ones who are your biggest advocates, promoters, influencers, and marketeers.

People want jobs that fit their lifestyle, give them the opportunity to grow and connect them to greater meaning and purpose. At the same time, the workplace is more transparent, interactions at work can quickly go viral and feedback can be found easily on social media platforms. The consequences for employer brands can be severe. For those reasons, many successful companies have started to focus on an EX strategy using internal and external data – people analytics.

Much as designing customer experience has dominated the thinking of companies competing in today’s digital environment, organizations are now re-examining the employee experience. Recognizing the impact that the experience has on employee engagement and productivity, companies are taking a more comprehensive view of how to influence it. 

If you want to stay competitive in order to survive in the new digital world, attract and keep top talent, you need to: 

  • Use data as a foundation

  • Implement a strong Employee Experience Strategy. 

By aligning your people strategy with your business strategy, you can go from being disrupted…to becoming a disruptor! No matter the size of your company.

New changes for Organizations in the Digital World - New challenges for HR in the Digital World

Digital capabilities —such as mobile computing and the Internet of Things —have changed the way we access information, tap into experts, make decisions and ultimately deliver and consume goods and services.

In the digital world, with teams spread across the planet, businesses must become just as flexible as a global workforce – with a teamwork-oriented approach.

As people become more comfortable and capable with technology, they will continue to create new ways of managing their daily lives and online experiences and expect that kind of flexibility from every company with which they want to work for. 

Technology helps to support organizations and employees to focus on more strategic tasks. Repetitive, operational, and time-consuming tasks can be automated. Many organizations started switching to providing more convenient environments for their employees to boost their creativity and efficiency.

With this in mind, we wanted to understand the impact that these new digital technologies are having:

  • Technological innovations make it easier for a group of people to work together.
  • Technology can make the working process much easier. Such innovations reduce the dissatisfaction of the personnel and their exhaustion.

Regardless of the obvious benefits of the technology for the employee experience, some businesses still lack the technological innovation at the workplace. However, the recent trend shows us that such innovations guarantee employee satisfaction.

There is a reason why employee experience became such an important word for the human resource management. Managers started realizing that employees are the cornerstone of any business and their experience and well-being should not be ignored.

Don’t forget YOUR people make the difference in the digital age!

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Topics: Employee Engagement, #CultureForDigital

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