Article: Rethinking employee engagement and experience in the digital age

Employee Engagement

Rethinking employee engagement and experience in the digital age

While employee ‘engagement’ is a key priority for several organizations, majority of them fail to engage their workforce.
Rethinking employee engagement and experience in the digital age

Businesses across industries are increasingly recognizing the importance of employee experience and its impact on productivity. Top-notch organizations make it a priority to engage with their employees so they engage with the company’s ideas and culture. Leaders –and talent professionals who lead from the front, exploit opportunities and touchpoints to reinforce organizations’ commitment to employee engagement. Equally important is employee experience in today’s digital world. Employee experience refers to the journey an employee takes with his organization which encompasses all milestones and personal relationships to technology use and the physical work environment.

As a matter of fact, employees experience can impact that company's ability to hire and retain great talent. At the end of the day, employees are the biggest assets of a company and hence connecting with them on an individual basis and giving them the customized experience is an absolute necessity, according to talent leaders who attended an HR tech conference in Singapore held recently.

While ‘engagement’ is a key priority for several organizations, the majority of them fail to engage their workforce, according to a study by Gallup done in 2018. “A staggering 87% of employees worldwide are not engaged. Many companies are experiencing a crisis of engagement and aren't aware of it, cites the study.”

On the other hand, talented professionals today view work as a key part of life and are looking for jobs that provide satisfaction and fulfillment, in addition to monetary benefits and incentives. The way people work and live has also been changed by digitalization, and we are seeing more people looking for flexible and mobile working opportunities. In response to the changes, companies need to adjust their recruitment strategies and policies. They need to communicate opportunities for training, up-skilling, and career progression, and introduce flexible working options to attract and retain top talent, according to Toby Fowlston, the CEO of Robert Walters APAC. 

To find out what’s happening in the space in terms of the new approaches to employee engagement, experience and attrition, we have curated some of the top-viewed stories that we have done recently. Watch out this space to find more stories with new perspectives from the industry in line with our April theme.

Employee engagement: One-size-fits-all does not work anymore

The third lever of business transformation is in employee engagement

How peer-to-peer recognition boosts employee engagement

Driving employee engagement through leadership

The art of employee engagement

Leveraging design thinking for enhancing employee engagement

'Engagement is about putting employees at the center of design thinking'

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Topics: Employee Engagement, Culture, Strategic HR, #Retention

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