Article: How leadership styles influence workplace motivation


How leadership styles influence workplace motivation

The role of the leader undoubtedly acts as a key difference-maker, as it immensely influences employees' determination to find better and more efficient pathways to overcome new challenges.
How leadership styles influence workplace motivation

A company’s longevity hinges upon its workforce that shows a strong willingness to excel. However, for that to be true, it is crucial that professionals feel a strong desire to uphold their effectiveness. Above all, for an organisation driven by purpose and focused on building for the better, every decision and every employee holds great value. 

This brings us to the question; what empowers them to exude a profound motivation? 

Driving motivation through trust 

When employees work in an environment that cultivates a strong sense of belonging and ownership, positive change is inevitable. However, the leaders play an influential role in not just building but also strengthening such an environment. Studies tell us that an employee's motivation is less about their “willingness to work harder and more creatively, and more about a manager’s ability to build a relationship with them.” 

As a leader, having a positive relationship with employees is not just about yielding the best results for the organisation. It has a deep meaning that encourages professionals to go above and beyond to accomplish both individual and collective goals. This deep meaning primarily stems from a strong trust that elevates every member’s confidence in their capabilities. 

Making a lasting impact

The influential American author, Stephen Covey, once said, “trust is the glue of life. It’s the most essential ingredient in effective communication. It’s the foundational principle that holds all relationships.” Leaders who go the extra mile to build rock-solid trust with their employees leave an enormous impact on the outcomes of the organisation. 

Employees who feel a greater degree of assurance from their leaders are never creatively restricted. It not only nudges them to express their individuality but also boosts their productivity. People at high-trust companies show 50% higher productivity and 76% more engagement than the ones with low trust. 

Leadership that makes a difference

The role of the leader undoubtedly acts as a key difference-maker, as it immensely influences employees' determination to find better and more efficient pathways to overcome new challenges. It also accentuates the overall effectiveness of a work culture, which is fortified by the trust and understanding between employees and leaders. It’s clear that working in an environment that brings out the best in every individual delivers outcomes that change the world for the better. 

Arun Verma is Chief Human Resources Officer at Servify

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