Article: We Are The Champions: Women set to take the lead at People Matters L&D Singapore


We Are The Champions: Women set to take the lead at People Matters L&D Singapore

Women known to disrupt the learning and development landscape in the last few years are set to share their experience and insights at the People Matters L&D Singapore ‘23 conference.
We Are The Champions: Women set to take the lead at People Matters L&D Singapore

International Women’s Day is here and like every year, we see accolades and heaps of praises knocking on women's doorstep, regardless of the field they are in. In the past decade, the landscape of work has changed, for better in some aspects and worse in others.

Women are much more ambitious than ever before and are demanding more from their work, with many leaders ready to switch jobs if they feel that their careers aren’t advancing or if they come across diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) as mere words. And why not? Women work harder, sometimes putting their personal life on a back burner to accelerate their career. 

While we do hear many leaders bringing into focus the increasing number of women in senior leadership roles, according to the Women In Workplace 2022 report by McKinsey, only one in four C-suite leaders is a woman, and only one in 20 is a woman of colour (in corporate America). That’s a stark contrast to our assumptions that the landscape has progressed and evolved, and there is a levelling field for all genders.

There are still too many gaps that organisations need to address at each and every level (top-down and bottom-up) to build an inclusive workforce: Are managers empowering women leaders with the same career development roles irrespective of their marital status?, Have we fixed the ‘broken rung’?, Are voices of underrepresented talent being heard?, Are women recognised and rewarded even if they are working from home as opposed to someone who is always visible in the office?

The path towards equality has been paved by millions who came before us and it will be in progress by billions after us. With one of our first conferences in Singapore this year, People Matters L&D ’23, we can’t help but look at women champions, who have disrupted the learning and development landscape with their small gestures and big changes. Here’s a look at them and their efforts:

A-Young Kim

The Head of Organisational Development at Grab, A-Young Kim never misses a day to give a loud shout out to her colleagues for each of their accomplishments, within the organisation and otherwise. It’s not just the milestones of her own firm that she celebrates, but of all the firms across Southeast Asia, empowering and motivating everyone to do better and be better. With firm belief in progress more than perfection, she has been the founder of One Within, a  leadership brand coaching firm. At the conference, she will guide us on how to take charge of your own success and career in the modern economy. 

Jennifer Pei-Ling Tan

The Vice President, Learning and Transformation, Group Human Resources, OCBC Bank, Jennifer Pei-Ling Tan, with her expansive experience in the education sector brings valuable insights to designing futuristic L&D programs. She has been at the forefront of nurturing leaders, changing culture and enabling organisations, while spurring growth and supporting the new and innovative ideas of her colleagues. With the innate belief of building with purpose, she wants organisations to look at ‘Talent as the new oil. And culture as the new paycheck’ for increased motivation, retention, productivity and profitability. With her immersive knowledge in Artificial Intelligence In Education (AIED), she will help you navigate the L&D landscape with the onslaught of generative AI such as ChatGPT and Bard. 

Jaclyn Lee 

As the CHRO of Singapore University of Technology and Design, Jaclyn Lee has established the framework of the educational institution from scratch, including setting up the compensation structures, ensuring employee engagement in the university, structuring a multidisciplinary team, building the foundation of workforce management and creating an environment of learning where every person can take advantage of the rich and diverse learning opportunities within the higher education environment. A trailblazer and author of ‘Accelerating Organisation Culture Change’, Jaclyn Lee wants to help each and every leader in their success journey through the insights she's gained in the 25 years she has been in the HR and capability building verticals. 

Padmashree Santosh

The Global Head of Learning, D&I and Organisation Effectiveness, Olam Agri, Padmashree Santosh is a leader who understands people and is eager to add value to them and the organisation at large. With over 20 years of experience in diverse industries, she is known by her colleagues as someone who is unafraid to speak her mind and stand by her people, come what may. At the conference, she will share her insights on the different types of leaders set to transform the new world of work. 

So, are you ready to meet these and many more inspiring speakers at People Matters L&D Singapore on April 13 at Fairmont? Well, don’t wait any longer and register now. ‘Coz learning never ends!

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Topics: Leadership, Learning & Development, #EmbraceEquity, #PMLnDSG

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