Article: 10 Resume writing tips for a job change

Life @ Work

10 Resume writing tips for a job change

Your resume is the tool that allows you to tell your story, so don’t be afraid to show yourself.
10 Resume writing tips for a job change

If you work in education and want to change your job, you probably have wondered what such a shift would require and how you could be successful in the end. Well, all you need is a good resume that will highlight your strong points and help you find and use the opportunities you are looking for.

Here are ten resume writing tips to help you change your job.

#1 Identify your transferable skills

First, you have to conduct proper research on the industry you want to be working in. This is an important step you are taking, so you must be aware of what awaits you. Read job descriptions and listings to identify which skills employers are looking for.

Then, look through your current resume and choose the skills that can be used in your new resume. They must be relevant to the job you choose. If you don’t have an education in an appropriate subject, you can substitute that with experience and skills.

#2 Be concise and get to the point

There is absolutely no need to go into much detail about every single thing you have ever done. Your employer will be going through dozens if not hundreds of resumes just like yours and they will not have the time to read several pages, so try to fit in everything on one or two.

Don’t stray away too much from the matter at hand. If you are applying to be a teaching assistant at a university, you most likely don’t need to mention your experience with pre-school children. Stick to the most important and most relevant things.

#3 Highlight your achievements

Stop talking about the tasks you performed at your previous job. You want to sell yourself and to do this you need to highlight your achievements. You should not only show that you can perform well but also that you can perform better than it is expected of you.

Of course, try not to go overboard because that may look like you are lying. Be realistic and as objective as possible by using numbers rather than beautiful adjectives. If you don’t have any relevant achievements, pay more attention to your skillset.

#4 Pay more attention to skills

Employers want you to be skilled in certain tasks because they don’t have time to teach you how to do your job. This is why it is important to add a section titled “Skills” in your resume. List the skills you found transferable after following tip #1.

You need to focus on potential value for your employer rather than yourself. Sure, you are talking about what you can do but you need to tie that up with what the company you are applying to needs. If they need you to achieve A and you can do B, explain to them how this skill B will help you achieve A.

#5 Don’t be afraid to show yourself

Your resume is the tool that allows you to tell your story, so don’t be afraid to show yourself. Nobody can do it better than you. Tell them who you are, what you can do, why they need you… You have to convince your potential employer that you are a priceless asset.

This may sound a bit controversial because you should focus on the employer, but you have to show yourself too. There’s a golden middle somewhere in between that you need to find and stick to. It’s difficult but possible.

Show that you are determined to get the job and you want to work in this particular company or institution. Think about the kind of company culture you will need to fit in and try to position yourself as similar to that “type” as possible.

#6 Always act professionally

Using jargon is a huge mistake that, unfortunately, many job seekers make. It is actually quite easy to avoid with the help of tip #7 and #9, but you should still keep this point in mind while writing the first draft of your resume.

Act professionally all the time: when writing your resume, when sending it, at the interview, and so on. By the way, jargon includes terminology specific to the industry too. You can use some words and phrases but try not to get too technical.

#7 Proofread and edit your resume

After your first draft is ready, sit down to proofread it. While writing it, try not to edit too much as this will only slow down the process of actually writing the resume. You want to get as much information down as possible and change things up afterward.

The word processor you are using will probably highlight some of the errors, but it’s better to use an online grammar checker anyway. 

#8 Format your resume appropriately

The best way to format your resume is to use Microsoft Office Word or Google Docs. In fact, both of them even have resume templates that you can insert your information into. Of course, you can still do everything from scratch manually if you want to.

Remember to break up your resume into sections with sub-headings so that it is easier to read. It is also highly recommended that you use bullet-point lists for different pieces of information such as the skills you include.

#9 Use templates

One of the best ways to ensure that your resume looks amazing is to check out some templates that you can base your resume on. This will help you to understand how you should format the resume and will give you a general idea of the document. 

#10 Get feedback and listen to it

Before you send out your resume, show it to someone and get some constructive feedback. It may look perfect to you, but your friend, family member, or colleague may point out some things that should be improved.

You can also get feedback from an expert on writing resumes. They don’t cost a lot and some even offer to write your resume for you. Once again, nobody can tell your story better than you so consider such services as a last resort.

Final thoughts

To sum up, a successful resume for a job change in education needs to be grammatically correct, relevant and engaging for the reader. Follow the tips in this article to craft a great resume that will influence your future.


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