Article: What was hot in 2020: the 10 most popular stories this year


What was hot in 2020: the 10 most popular stories this year

Which stories were most read this year? Unsurprisingly, most of what interested people was about the pandemic.
What was hot in 2020: the 10 most popular stories this year

This year, as always, we brought you a smorgasbord of news stories, features, and interviews on various topics of interest in the field of HR. Unlike other years, however, 2020's stories were doubtlessly heavily skewed towards the pandemic situation and how to deal with it. And so it's not surprising that people spent a lot of time reading anything that provided guidance or direction. As the year draws to a close, here is a roundup of the stories that were most read this year.

Wolves in HR clothing

HR's importance has only increased this year—so it's not surprising that everyone is keeping a close eye on the capabilities and the character of their HR professionals! But don't think too badly of your HR department, for most of the time they are doing their best in an increasingly difficult job. Read the full story here.


WFH 101: What happens when IT is in lockdown

HR was not the only function to bear the brunt of the pandemic. IT departments around the world have been working overtime to equip employees and get corporate systems up to scratch, and their job was only made harder by the lockdown. Read the full story here.


7 HR Mantras to navigate the new abnormal!

Since the pandemic started, everyone has been looking for solutions, guidance, or at least some confirmation that there are other people in the same boat. A list of mantras surely couldn't hurt. Read the full story here.


How employers can fight Coronavirus at the workplace

In the early part of the year, a major concern among employers was: how do I keep my employees safe? Read the full story here.


Eight reasons why you should hire freelancers during the pandemic downturn

Talent management has been a sticky subject this year, with layoffs rampant and remaining staff struggling to manage the workload. So a possible alternative is always welcome. Read the full story here.


Falling in Love, Professionally!

Workplace romances are not always a good idea—but if employees fall in love with their work and their organization, that can be a wonderful thing all around. Read the full story here.


Impact of COVID-19 on everyday work life

Business continuity does not stop at settling everyone in at home with a laptop. There is still communication, connection, and a much-needed cultural shift to adjust to the new way of working. Read the full story here.


Tips for job seekers amid the COVID-19 pandemic

If the International Labor Organization's forecasts are correct, over a billion jobs or the equivalent in working hours were lost to COVID-19 this year. So it's not surprising that very many people are keen to know how they can improve their job search. Read the full story here.


Another failed attempt of AI replacing humans: Microsoft AI Editor already shows signs of inaccuracies

The fear that automation will take over our jobs is a constant one these days. So it's always interesting to see news that AI is just as fallible, or even more so, than humans. Read the full story here.


How to NOT impress your boss!

Most people would like to give their boss a good impression. But don't forget that the other half of that coin is to avoid giving a bad impression! Read the full story here.


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Topics: Others, #Rewind2020

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