Article: Background screening trends in the APAC region – Insights from HireRight’s research

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Background screening trends in the APAC region – Insights from HireRight’s research

As companies navigate their business continuity plans, it’s critical to have the right talent to support the business. Here are a few trends that you need to know when screening prospective candidates
Background screening trends in the APAC region – Insights from HireRight’s research

Finding the right person for the right job at the right time is a critical business need. 

At a time when many businesses are navigating an uncertain future, having access to the right talent could differentiate the success of a company’s business continuity plan. 

HireRight’s 2019 APAC Benchmark Report showed that there are a number of potential risks exposed, but also some areas of opportunity for HR. The research found that there were big drops in professional licence and credit checks a slight reduction in criminal and identity checks, and companies were still navigating the use of technology in the talent acquisition process.

Here is a recap of some key findings from the report:

1. The necessity of employer brand 

Although not prominent in the previous report, the 2019 report found that creating an employer brand that attracts talent is a top challenge area for talent acquisition. Companies need to invest in boosting their employee value proposition. And those companies that have a great reputation are more likely to attract the right candidates. 25 percent of the survey respondents said that creating an employer brand that attracts the best is a key challenge area. 

2. The ‘time’ challenge

Companies in the APAC region also find that there is a rush to hire the best talent. Some of the top screening challenges include ‘reducing time-to-hire’ (33 percent) and improving the ‘overall efficiency of the screening process’ (28 percent). Increasingly, the pressure is on the HR function to deliver quickly and effectively. There is a need for technology solutions and background screening specialists who can facilitate the task of screening candidates, to ensure there are no delays in the process. 

3. The role of technology

As the role of the HR becomes complex, there is a need to streamline a number of processes and policies to drive efficiency. This includes branding, culture, leadership, risk management, and compliance. The 2019 APAC Benchmark Report found that despite having limited budgets, many companies were still looking to invest in new HR technologies in the near future. More than a third said they were considering adopting AI recruiting technology (38 percent), applicant tracking systems (36 percent) or performance management tools (36 percent).  

4. “Employment and references” and “Education” are the most popular screening checks

When it comes to checks that are undertaken by companies in the APAC region, the survey shows that “Employment and references” were the most common, used by 86 percent of companies, with education checks a close second (78 percent, up from 69 percent in 2018). 

Identity and criminal checks were both undertaken by over 50 percent of employers in the region, however, fewer companies seem to be investing in professional licence and credit checks as part of their screening process. Are the businesses not screening in these areas leaving their organisations open to additional hiring risk?

5. Inconsistencies in global screening checks

Data from 2019 also suggests that while a majority of the organisations (72 percent) in the APAC  region conduct some form of screening on candidates who have lived, worked or studied internationally, there is a disconnect between the international and local screening processes. Globally, international work experience/ reference checks are conducted by 53% of organisations compared to 80% of organisations in Asia Pacific. But when it came to global criminal checks and global identity checks, far fewer businesses in the APAC region were conducting these checks – 35 percent and 27 percent compared to 56 percent and 34 percent globally.

If you’d like to share your observations about background screening trends in 2020, we’d love to hear from you. 

The HireRight 2020 Benchmark Survey is designed to take less than 15 minutes. In exchange, you will have the opportunity to receive an advance copy of the report with the latest HR trends covering recruitment and background screening. Participants can also enter a free prize draw to win a $100 Amazon voucher. Share your expertise on key topics that help shape the background screening industry.

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Topics: Talent Acquisition, Background Verification, #Hiring

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