Article: TechHR Certification Workshops Singapore: Themes in focus


TechHR Certification Workshops Singapore: Themes in focus

Here's a sneak peak into another three People Matters TechHR workshops created exclusively to enable HR professionals prepare better for the future.
TechHR Certification Workshops Singapore: Themes in focus

This year, the People Matters TechHR Conference in Singapore themed around ‘BY DESIGN’, has an extended day for interested registered delegates to explore highly effective and full-day certification workshops to get certified in a particular skill. 

On Wednesday, 19th February 2020, some of the global experts present at the event will be leading full-day certification workshops.

Designed specially for HR professionals from diverse domains and industries, People Matters TechHR Certification Workshops includes learning sessions led by global experts in the HR and WorkTech space. 

In the last article we shared the three out of the many themes in focus. Here's a sneak peak into another three workshops created exclusively to enable HR professionals prepare better for the future: 

Learn how to create a case for HR technology adoption by Holger Mueller 

More and more HR leaders have are now embracing technology and using it to enable their HR teams and entire workforce. However, as organizations increase their investment in HR software, measuring the ROI becomes a top priority to get leadership buy-in. 

This masterclass with Hogan Mueller, VP & Principal Analyst at Constellation Research will give the attendees a clear understanding of technology adoption, stakeholder buy-in and means to ensure smooth digitalisation of HR processes. 

HR professionals who attend the workshop will learn:

  • How to train HR teams to be future-ready?
  • How to segment your workforce based on different adoption requirements?
  • When to measure and demonstrate ROI effectively?

Deep-dive into the recruitment technology buying cycle with William Tincup 

Businesses today have access to a wide variety of tools and software that impact the way they find and recruit talent.Technology is helping recruiters streamline every part of the hiring process—including sourcing candidates, interviewing applicants, onboarding new hires and much more.

But, with so many recruiting tools and technologies present in the market, deciding which technology to purchase can be a challenge. HR leaders often struggle to pick a relevant  recruitment tech solution for their business. The most challenging question for then is what works in the context of their business in terms of budget, readiness & timelines. 

In this workshop by William Tincup, President at, HR professionals will learn to create a recruitment technology roadmap and understand how to measure ROI from technology investments.

Demystify the arts and science of data-driven decisions

Data has become more crucial than ever for HR Organizations. The core people decisions are dependent on them and as enhancing talent performance and increaso business productivity becomes more crucial than ever, the importance of understanding data science also increases. 

Leaders wish to understand the basics of data science and how they can leverage it for making better talent and business decisions. This workshop with Cassie Kozyrkov, Chief Decision Scientist, Google will help demystify the science of decision intelligence. It will answer questions like: What is the need for making data-driven decisions in your role? What is the business impact of data-driven decisions? 

You will get not only a certification but also answers to the some of the most stressful questions around using data science in HR:

  • What is decision intelligence & why is it important for leaders to make data-based decisions? 
  • How do you start the journey of making better decisions leveraging data science? 
  • What are the roles of Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning in decision intelligence? 
  • What are some of the pitfalls to avoid while making data-driven decisions? 

Click here to register for these workshops which be held on 19th of February for HR practitioners. 

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Topics: Technology, #TechHRSG

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