Article: Learn how to lead remote teams from the experts in the art

Learning & Development

Learn how to lead remote teams from the experts in the art

Learn from the experts in leading remote teams like Sacha Connor, Douglas Ferguson, D N Prasad, Pilar Orti, and Judy Rees, among others, and become a certified work-from-home facilitator with People Matters BeNext.
Learn how to lead remote teams from the experts in the art

There is no turning back now. Remote and distributed workforce is the new reality of work. Either learn to manage, lead, and operate in this environment or perish. Over the last few months, most of the organizations have started learning to adapt to this new reality of Work From Home in various forms and degrees. But there is still so much to learn as this gradually becomes the new normal. From designing an inclusive virtual work culture to creating learning experiences for the distributed workforce to ensuring more collaboration and maximizing productivity, people managers, business leaders, and HR professionals have a lot on their plate.

For organizations, business leaders and talent managers, it is now time to either create or further enhance their work-from-home strategies. The good news is that People Matters is here with an exclusive certification program: People Matters BeNext The Working-from-Home Facilitator

In this month-long certification program you will get the opportunity to learn from the experts in leading remote teams. You will be mentored by the expert facilitators and get the opportunity to ask questions, do hands-on practical assignments as well as get feedback and network with your peers.

Read more about the experts who you will learn from in People Matters BeNext The Working-from-Home Facilitator certification:

Meet Pilar Orti, Director of Virtual not Distant & Author-Thinking RemoteRecruiting Daily

“Leading remote teams requires role-modelling, nurturing our relationships with team members, and looking after ourselves.” 

Pilar Orti is a voice actress, a coach, a writer, and a speaker, as well as the host of the 21st Century Work-Life podcast. She is one of the most prolific producers of content covering both remote working and managing remote teams, and her new book, Thinking Remote, was released just last month. 

Pilar has personally been on the journey of remote working and now she helps others with her experience. After training face to face and facilitating team-away days, in 2010 Pilar started to look for non-location specific opportunities to help people develop. Wanting to visit her parents in Madrid more often and having met her future husband in Amsterdam meant that limiting her work to her UK base was no longer an option. In 2013, she landed a freelance job with a training company, delivering accredited Management and Leadership qualifications online.

Pilar quickly adapted her ability to create a sense of purpose and unity to the online space. She is fascinated by the opportunities that technology brings to make the world of work a better place.

Learn from Pilar how you can adapt to a new way of working, where you don't need to be together in the office everyday to do great work together.

Meet Mirjami Sipponen Damonte, Founder & Managing Director, Xpedio

"This work enables me to live moments, experiences and visible changes that keep me attached to it and make it meaningful."

Mirjami is devoted to developing the awareness and skills of facilitation and has been working with facilitation and organizational development for the last 15 years across Europe – based in Italy and Finland. Mirjami’s book on facilitation, Varmuutta fasilitointiin, was also published in April 2020 in Finnish.

​A Certified Facilitator and an experienced Trainer of the LEGO® Serious Play® method, Mirjami holds the highest level of international facilitation certification: Certified Professional Facilitator (CPF) | Master. This certification is a demonstration of a decade of experience in professional facilitation and contribution given to advance the field of facilitation. She has also served as a Member of Global Board at The International Association of Facilitators, as well as Regional Director for Europe & Middle East. In 2016 she was awarded with Gold Facilitation Impact Award, as recognition of excellent facilitation with positive impact.

Due to her background as a communication skills trainer, as well as Victim Offender Mediator, she has a particular focus on group dynamics, intra-group communication, dealing with conflict and building psychological safety within a group.

Learn how to have effective virtual meetings and use the power of communication from Mirjami. 

Meet Sacha Connor, Founder and CEO, Virtual Work Inside

“I have experienced first-hand how hard it truly is to lead across distance, and now I am using my battle-tested strategies and tactics to teach others how to succeed in their own virtual work journey.”

A remote work pioneer for The Clorox Company, Sacha worked remotely for eight years while at Clorox leading large, distributed teams. In fact, she was the first fully remote member of the Leadership Team that ran a $1 Bn division. Later she co-founded the first-ever Virtual Workforce Employee Resource Group, which grew to over 750 global members in no time.

As the Founder & CEO of Virtual Work Insider Sacha has helped companies like Toyota, Beam Suntory, Vanguard, The Clorox Company, FIFCO USA, Sovos Brands, Jamieson Wellness, Gilead, M Booth, Colgate-Palmolive, CUNA Mutual, among others, to lead virtual, geographically distributed, and remote teams.

Learn how to lead remote teams more effectively by one of the first marketers to work remotely full-time, Sacha at People Matters BeNext. 

Meet Douglas Ferguson, President, Voltage Control

“A successful meeting needs structure and purposeful activities that facilitate collaborative work between attendees, not an hour-long PowerPoint presentation or endless debate.”

An entrepreneur and human-centered technologist with over 20 years of experience, motivated by a mission to rid the world of horrible meetings and offer meaningful meetings in their place. He is the founder and president of Voltage Control, an Austin-based facilitation agency that specializes in helping teams work better together through participatory decision making and design inspired facilitation techniques. He has helped transform teams from U.S. SOCOM, the Air Force, Adobe, Dropbox, Fidelity, Vrbo, Liberty Mutual, Humana, and SAIC.

Douglas is a master facilitator of Design Sprints, Innovation Acceleration, Team Alignment, Meeting Systems, Culture Transitions, and Change Transformations. He is also the author of three books: Beyond the Prototype, How to Remix Anything (co-authored), and Start Within (co-authored).

With the venture Voltage Control he is calling upon fellow facilitators to transform meeting and innovation culture. From free weekly community meetups to Control the Room–the annual facilitator summit, Voltage Control is building a community of facilitators to change the world

Learn how you can leverage design to lead and manage work-from-home more effectively from Douglas at People Matters BeNext. 

Meet Judy Rees, Consultant, Rees McCann Partnership

“My focus is on helping members of diverse networks to understand each other and to feel understood, so that creativity, collaboration and innovation can flourish. I know how to make that happen, and it's really not just about the tech.”

Co-author of a bestselling book, "Clean Language", which describes a precision inquiry toolkit which works especially well in complex systems and Consultant, Rees McCann Partnership, Judy is transforming conversations remotely and facilitating creative, high-quality interaction, especially with distributed teams. 

Judy is teaching great-in-the-room trainers, facilitators, consultants and others to work effectively remotely. She is guiding team-development processes for distributed teams, via video conference and mentoring people moving to remote training, facilitation and meeting-leadership. She came up with Clean Language back in 2006, which is the foundation of her facilitation methodology. 

She leads an annual global unconference, Metaphorum, for the Clean Language community, which brings together 120+ participants in a 12-hour marathon event.

Get a chance to learn more about Clean Language and have more effective communication in the new remote world of work. 

Meet D N Prasad, Senior Director, GovTech Singapore, Executive Coach(PCC,ICF)

Presently responsible for Corporate Strategy, Human Resources, Organization Development, Workplace and Culture for GovTech, D N Prasad is known in the world of work as an Executive Coach(PCC, International Coach Federation), transformational HR Leader, Culture builder, Mentor/Advisor, Program Manager, Strategist and a start-up guy in the HR space! 

D N joined Public Service with the Singapore Government, as Senior Director for Strategy, People and Organization, with GovTech. Before that he has worked seven and a half years with Infosys and a decade with Google. He has to his credit, setting up several new functions – in market  (in India and Singapore), in region (APAC) and globally. Key roles across these organizations include heading Global Entry Level hiring, Campus relations and HR Operations at Infosys, Establishing Staffing Programs for Google in India, Program Manager for People Operations Strategy in APAC, Regional Lead for Google People Services and setting up and serving as a Global lead for Extended Workforce Solutions in Google.

Learn how to have Effective One2One Conversations from D N Prasad in People Matters BeNext. 

Through live masterclasses with these experts upskill yourself to better manage the challenges of managing a remote workforce. In addition to the live masterclasses, you will have access to online practical content, frameworks, videos and tools which will help you reflect, assimilate, and apply all that you have learned. Click here to learn more. 

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Topics: Learning & Development, Life @ Work

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