Article: Relearn the new ABC of team alignment & become a certified virtual facilitator

Learning & Development

Relearn the new ABC of team alignment & become a certified virtual facilitator

“Leading remote teams requires role-modelling, nurturing our relationships with team members, and looking after ourselves,” says Pilar Orti, Director of Virtual not Distant & Author of Thinking Remote: Inspiration for Leaders of Distributed Teams
Relearn the new ABC of team alignment & become a certified virtual facilitator

LinkedIn’s data shows a sharp rise in searches for “remote working” content on the LinkedIn Learning platform since late January. Key Asian markets including Singapore, Hong Kong (SAR) and Chinese Mainland are the ones driving this trend. Clearly, remote working is no longer an additional perk or benefit but the way we work. 

As leaders juggle many things from house chores to business outcomes to employees' productivity and health, leading remote teams gets more challenging than ever. The leadership playbook has been torn up. But perhaps, for the first time, they also have a unique opportunity to rethink the way work happens and structure new processes to operate in the new remote working environment. And this is why, People Matters BeNext is here with an exclusive certification program to help business leaders, people managers, and HR professionals enhance their team’s effectiveness in a remote and distributed workforce

Enhancing employee experience & engagement in a remote workplace  

As Maya Angelou, once said, “At the end of the day, people won't remember what you said or did, they will remember how you made them feel.”

Ever since the pandemic, one of the biggest challenges for leaders has been arranging the workflow and making sure everything runs smoothly. Additionally, while ensuring business continuity and managing workflow, they had to also ensure that employees’ experience doesn’t suffer. 

While it may seem like we’ve already been living through this for a long time, the reality of the situation is really only just beginning. No matter what, being able to lead in the remote, digital world will be a vital skill set for all of us in the future. The Virtual Facilitation Certification program, the first program of the complete certification, will help you thrive in the Transform Phase and beyond.

“Leading remote teams requires role-modelling, nurturing our relationships with team members, and looking after ourselves,” says Pilar Orti, Director of Virtual not Distant & Author of Thinking Remote: Inspiration for Leaders of Distributed Teams. 

In the first foundational program, Pilar, along with Ester Martinez, CEO & Editor-in-Chief, People Matters will help you sharpen your remote working strategy. You will learn best practices for remote facilitating, tactics to increase participation and engagement, strategies to avoid disengagement as well as learn about different virtual facilitation tools and understand when to effectively use them. 

In program one - The Virtual Facilitator: Reimagine Work & ReLearn the new ABC of Team Alignment, you will:

  • Learn to keep teams engaged. 
  • Learn to drive better employee experience.
  • Explore synchronous and asynchronous ways of working.
  • Reimagine team alignment.  
  • Define virtual team culture.
  • Recast virtual work as an asset, not a burden. 

Through live masterclasses, access to online practical content, frameworks, videos and tools, upskill yourself to better manage the challenges of managing a remote workforce. Click here to learn more. 

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