Moin Qazi worked for three decades at State Bank of India in various developmental roles. He served as Chancellor's nominee on Nagpur University and Member of National Committee on Financial Inclusion at NITI Aayog. He was a Visiting Fellow at the University of Manchester. He received UNESCO World Politics Essay Gold Medal, Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Gold Medal from Dalit Sahitya Academy and Rotary International's Vocational Excellence Award.
Ms. Ritu Grover is the CEO at TGH Lifestyle Services Pvt. Ltd, a well-established and largest facility management & concierge services firm was established back in 1998 which serves over 300 large and small corporations such as RBS, Flipkart, EY, Pwc, TCS, Schneider Electric, Microsoft, Airtel, Aviva, HSBC etc through its 10 offices across India.
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