Blog: 6 reasons why the future of workplace will change

Life @ Work

6 reasons why the future of workplace will change

The COVID-19 pandemic has reaffirmed the importance of remote working. The overwhelming support that the hybrid model has garnered is impeccable.
6 reasons why the future of workplace will change

Yesterday most employees were physically present at work, in one place; from tomorrow those same employees were scattered across various locations while working for the same office. To say the pandemic introduced the work from home structure to corporate working is stating the obvious, it also raises question, whether this will be viable even in the post-pandemic period.

Traditional workplaces pose challenges to businesses in today’s uncertain time. On weighing the pros and cons between the traditional workplaces biz-a-biz remote working, employers are increasingly shifting to flexible workplace options. This clarity allows them to reimagine how and where to work, how much office space is needed, and how to help employees work efficiently in any work environment. The recent trends in technology and corporate working have shown that the way we work will change completely in the coming years. Employee working- when, where, with whom, and why- these will no longer resemble the patterns of yesterday. The new norm of the workplace demands fluidity. In the long term, only a sustainable workplace that offers flexibility and comparatively better features than traditional workplaces will be the go-to choice for employers - be it corporates or even small businesses.

The hybrid workforce model redefines work basis two terms, i.e., the freedom to work whenever and from wherever. The hybrid working model is a location-flexible arrangement, allowing employees to combine onsite and offsite work as they and their employers see fit.

If hybrid work models are done right, this gives organizations an upper hand for better recruitment of talent, scale achievable innovation, and create value for all stakeholders. They can define a future of work that is more flexible, digital, and purposeful with respect to everyone.

This new diversity combined with better technology has created a more collaborative and flexible working environment. It is single-handedly managing remote working conditions amid the uncertainty of today. The COVID-19 pandemic has reaffirmed the importance of remote working. The overwhelming support that the hybrid model has garnered is impeccable.

The hybrid models can vary for different organizations and the companies are working on different models. Some have allowed employees to continue working remotely until 2022. Others have asked their employees to work within the group at different times; however, for others, it is up to the workers to decide where to work.

  • Emphasized Productivity: The hybrid model emphasizes productiveness, redefines the dimension of workers’ performance. Like in-workplace operating, faraway operating places obligations on those who are immediately answerable for a selected project. This technique is lessening headcount in the workplace, allowing the decreased price of operations as employers are now finding they are not in need of as much workspace as before. With the hybrid model, employees will spend lesser resources on commuting, subsequently increasing their productivity and time spent on work. 
  • Collaboration Redefined: Employers and employees, both, find growth by doing different roles, so they have new experiences, acquire new & better skills, tap into new and fulfilling networks. This creates a healthy work environment by promoting synergy amongst the diverse and scattered employees and still gives that feeling of everyone being in the same place and working together. There are seamless collaboration opportunities available when one is not working behind a traditional office desk.
  • Foster Empowered Employees: There are numerous HR tools that are available which help employers easily manage daily routines, shift rotations, insert breaks and manage schedules from any device or location to facilitate remote work. Every member of the team stays up-to-date on who’s doing what, and what progress is being made every day. Work is divided into tasks that employees can complete independently and make decisions on quickly, without requiring their colleagues to be on the same page simultaneously.
  • Work-Life Balance: Many employers are enforcing 1:1 conversation on an everyday basis with their employees to keep a check on their professional and personal lives. This enables them to express vital milestones and update on every aspect of applicable achievements or pain points. It enriches an employee’s workplace experience.
  • Lowered Business Costs: The hybrid model fits into everyone’s pockets. The employers do not require a physical office space at all times. The employees need not spend heavily on the commute or rent a place nearby. Remote working enables one to economically increase their productivity while not spending an extra penny.
  • Access to more talent: It allows for efficient utilization of resources, expanding their hiring criteria, and attracting fresh talent. This hybrid model opens chances for the workforce to expand which otherwise wouldn’t have been possible.

Hybrid work models are embracing the fact that not all employees can work in the same hours and at the same pace or even in the same environment. Hybrid models are diverse, with their relevance depending on the nature of work and suitability.

Farsighted employers have already started to capture the value presented by this opportunity to catapult themselves into a post-COVID-19 world. Businesses that never offered remote work before are now embracing it. The challenge is how to incorporate this model effectively and ensure business growth.


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Topics: Life @ Work, #GuestArticle, #HybridWorkplace, #COVID-19

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