Blog: Digital wellness for software and IT professionals


Digital wellness for software and IT professionals

A look at how IT and software professionals can inculcate digital well-being and how organizations can help them in the process.
Digital wellness for software and IT professionals

Just like in an operating system, the highest cost to outcomes, the flow of work and creativity of software professionals is the switch-time at every task switch. Software professionals spend most of the day either looking at a screen or in close proximity of one; including the constant usage of mobile phones. While tools and technologies aid to speed-up, outsource, and enable our minds, they also distract and constantly break our flow. 

Additionally, each of these interruptions is sometimes sought by us unconsciously. This is because of the desire to check a like on social media, to check emails and find something that interests oneself gives a high of dopamine. Dopamine is a chemical that rewards us for successful prior behaviors like tasty food, exercising, and social acceptance. Checking emails or receiving a notification releases dopamine, and hence, comes the desire to seek interruptions. 

For a software engineer, digital interrupts or distractions can be of various kinds. It can be via digital mediums such as messaging or chat groups, mobile notifications, email pop-ups, back to back online meetings, social media pop-ups, operating system or software pop-ups, phone calls and more. With the numerous digital disruptions that a software engineer faces, digital wellness is crucial.

Here are a few tips that can help:

  • Block off ‘no digital time at work’: Decide a time on your calendar, which indicates “blocked time” to code, test, or write a product document. Preferably go somewhere other than your desk and work there. Inform colleagues on advance and silence your phone.
  • Schedule your application checking time: Use applications which allow you to schedule notifications at specific times of the day and disable notifications from popping up. Of course, you can always have notifications on for essential applications.
  • Plan your meetings: Fragmentation is bad for your day just as it is bad for a hard disk. Having a fragmented day, with different meetings at different times of the day, is terrible for productivity. Plan parts of the day or a day of the week to be more meeting-friendly; be it a code review, a status meeting, or a design review. This will allow time for continuous concentration and flow. 
  • Work from home or pretend you’re a gig worker: In the gig-economy, everyone is more of a short-term worker than a permanent one. Schedule work from home days based on your commute to work and the work you have that day. Working from home lets you plan non-digital time and to be productive in the comfort of your home. Thinking like a gig worker can allow one to overcome and improve digital wellness. 
  • Schedule notifications and upgrades during non-peak times: A distracting interruption is an OS upgrade or an app upgrade which requires a system restart. An upgrade in the middle of your work would require valuable time and attention. To avoid that, schedule notifications and upgrades during a time you don’t need your devices; such as, during lunch or meetings. 

There are several ways in which organizations and managers can also inculcate digital well-being in their teams: 

  • Build a non-digital work culture: Many companies are global entities; however, we have to maintain a protocol for work. Contacting employees during their off-hours and on weekends might disturb their non-digital time. Also, just because someone gives a transactional response to a note do not assume they would be ok for you to talk to them. 
  • Plan non-digital activities in the company: One of the unique ways an organization can promote digital wellness in a software engineer’s life is to have non-digital activities. For example, organizing a cricket or volleyball match, conducting mindfulness sessions, setting up support groups for digital addiction - should one need professional help. This also improves employee engagement. 
  • Rediscover writing and white-boarding: Writing has become a lost art with the increase of digital note-taking. In meetings, writing things down or on a whiteboard is a unique digital wellness mechanism. Encouraging the same forces employees to use a pen and move away from digital devices. The text can later be photographed to store into a note-taking app. 
  • Fight fire with fire: Encourage the use of tools that help exercise digital restraint. Several tools and programs can regulate the use of devices, reward achievements in digital wellness, remind to take a break and do a lot more. Create communities, if necessary, where employees can share their digital away time and reward themselves accordingly.

Code runs the digital world, and the best code is written by smart software engineers who can focus and invent. Thus, it is crucial that they stay fresh, innovative, and physically, mentally, and digitally strong in order to be their productive best and there are things both the employee and employer can do to ensure the same. 



Image source: Vator

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