News: RSM names PwC veteran as the new Global Leader for Quality and Risk


RSM names PwC veteran as the new Global Leader for Quality and Risk

The new global audit quality leader will direct the technical team, focusing on quality assurance, risk containment, ethics and independence for the network.
RSM names PwC veteran as the new Global Leader for Quality and Risk

Former PwC Director, Marion Hannon has been named the Global Leader for Quality and Risk by RSM, a UK-based consulting firm. In her most recent role, Marion was with Director, Health Sector Audit Technical Leader in the London branch of PwC. Now, after a career break of one year, Hannon has arrived at RSM to replace Bob Dohrer, who held the position for six years.

Commenting on Marion’s appointment, Jean Stephens, CEO of RSM International, said, “As we grow our services, our global footprint and our client base, we must ensure that we do not lose sight of this essential pillar of our network. I am delighted to have an expert of Marion’s caliber joining our team and leading our vision in this area.”

After working with PwC for almost 30 years, Marion will now lead the technical team and be responsible for network’s policies, procedures, tools and processes. Marion joined PwC in 1989 and her extensive tenure include spells in Hong Kong – where she was a Partner and Strategic Change Leader between 2000 and 2003 – Dublin and London. 

Now with her new role, Marion is all set to lead RSM towards its vision and is excited and committed to deliver highest quality audit services around the world. Here’s what she had to say on her new role:

“The global network is committed to the provision of the highest quality audit services around the world and has already got in place robust policies and procedures to achieve this. More than ever before, audit is under the microscope.”

“Regulators are calling for improvements in quality while technology is transforming the amount and speed of data available to auditors. I am excited to work with RSM’s member firms around the network to be at the forefront of these changes,” she added. 

Earlier this year, RSM saw its global revenues pass the £3.7 Bn mark and now moving forward, the firm is looking to meet its growing demand, particularly in regards to regulation and technological transformation, by boosting its expert headcount. Marion’s appointment as Global Audit Quality leader is a step towards this direction. 

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Topics: Appointments, Leadership

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