News: Adobe announces gender pay parity to bridge diversity gap


Adobe announces gender pay parity to bridge diversity gap

Adobe launches pay parity across US and India to reinforce diversity and inclusion.
Adobe announces gender pay parity to bridge diversity gap

Technology giant, Adobe has introduced a gender pay parity policy in India and US to achieve pay equality between male and female employees across levels.

At its annual Adobe & Women and Leadership Summit, the company announced it plans to eliminate the gender wage gap in the U.S. by the end of its fiscal year, with women paid $1.00 for every $1.00 earned by male employees. In India, Adobe declared that female employees are now earning 99 percent of what male employees earn and is working to abolish the remaining gap. 

Donna Morris, Executive Vice President, Customer & Employee Experience, Adobe shares, “This is an exciting milestone in our journey to make Adobe a leader in diversity and inclusion.” She further said, “Fair pay and equal treatment aren’t just the right things to do; they also have a significant, positive impact on the business bottom line. We will continue to push for full pay parity globally.”

According to a survey conducted by Monster on gender in 2016, women in India earn 25% less than men, which validates that gender continues to be a significant parameter in determining salaries in India.

Abdul Jaleel, Vice-President, People Resources, Adobe India shared, “Today, the gender pay gap phenomenon is a reality across industries in India. Adobe in India committed to providing equal opportunities and pay for all employees, regardless of gender. " 

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