News: Swingvy launches mobile app to drive engagement

HR Technology

Swingvy launches mobile app to drive engagement

HR tech startup Swingvy, which participated in the People Matters TechHR Startup Program, launched its app in response to the challenges faced by SMEs transiting to remote working.
Swingvy launches mobile app to drive engagement

Photo: Jin Choeh, co-founder and CEO of Swingvy

HR tech startup Swingvy, that was a participant in the People Matters TechHR Startup Program, has announced the release of a new HR mobile app that streamlines HR activities, communications, and operational processes such as leave management and expenses claims. The app allows employees to apply for leave and submit claims through their phones, making HR workflows simpler and also allowing managers to track their business activities in real time. It also integrates with Swingvy's existing HR Hub platform, allowing users to receive communications and updates via push notifications to their phones.

The mobile app was developed and released in response to the massive shift to remote working that started in February and March, and particularly the communication and engagement challenges faced by SMEs that tend to have fewer resources for digitalization.

“During this period of remote work, our data shows that most employees would use a mobile app for their HR-related activity to connect with their teammates. With thousands of users using Swingvy mobile app regularly, mobile has become a powerful tool for driving employee engagement and streamlining work communication,” said Jin Choeh, co-founder and CEO of Swingvy.

Launched in late 2016 by Jin Choeh, Tho Kit Hoong, Hyojun Lee, and Jahun Koo, Swingvy secured S$7 million in Series A funding from Samsung last year, and has since expanded its operations into Taiwan. It now serves over 9,000 companies across Singapore, Malaysia, and Taiwan.

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