News: 66% of L&D professionals globally feel their role has become more strategic post pandemic: LinkedIn report

Strategic HR

66% of L&D professionals globally feel their role has become more strategic post pandemic: LinkedIn report

Aiming to gain a deeper understanding of this renewed focus on learning, and to help leaders navigate the new world of work, LinkedIn launched the ‘Leading with Learning’ report, which analyzes the platform data along with inputs gathered from 864 L&D professionals from 21 countries.
66% of L&D professionals globally feel their role has become more strategic post pandemic: LinkedIn report

LinkedIn Learning released its Leading with Learning report, highlighting how the new reality has cemented workplace learning’s strategic position within an organization, both functionally and culturally. 

The economic repercussions of COVID-19 have dealt a crushing blow to the business world, urging many organizations to rapidly rethink how and where they work. With several industries and organizations now working remotely to ensure business continuity in the 'new normal', a vast majority of professionals have shifted their focus to learning in a bid to remain productive and relevant during such testing times.

Aiming to gain a deeper understanding of this renewed focus on learning, and to help leaders navigate the new world of work, LinkedIn launched the ‘Leading with Learning’ report, which analyzes the platform data along with inputs gathered from 864 L&D professionals from 21 countries. The report also shares how a few best-in-class leaders think the state of L&D is changing within their organizations and how they plan to approach learning strategies in the year ahead.

Captured below are key findings from the global report –

  • Member engagement on LinkedIn Learning has shown a major uptick with 130% increase in the time spent viewing LinkedIn Learning courses. (As per LinkedIn Learning Data - January/February 2020 vs March/April 2020)
  • LinkedIn’s Leading with Learning report states that 64% of L&D professionals feel reskilling the current workforce to fill skills gaps is more of a priority than ever before
  • Senior leadership has prioritized learning across levels - L&D professionals globally reported a 159% increase in CEOs championing learning and development in their organizations (As per LinkedIn 2020 Workplace Report data - October 2019 vs May 2020) 
  • Another interesting trend that has been picking up globally is social learning, or learning alongside your community. Globally, there has been a 301% increase in professionals joining learning groups, 153% increase in courses shared, 111% increase in contributions to Q&A

The survey also shows how L&D professionals across the globe are leading through change, below are some of these emerging trends –

Learning has established its strategic position in organizations

While learning & development has always been an integral part of most organisations, 66% of L&D professionals feel that their role has become more strategic post the pandemic, as organizations look to fill skills gaps internally. Additionally, 68% of L&D professionals feel that the level of urgency around launching L&D programs has risen significantly, post the pandemic.

Senior executives and CEOs are prioritising and championing learning

Senior leadership teams have truly recognized the value of learning post COVID-19 as findings show that 68% of L&D professionals feel managers are actively promoting learning resources to their teams. In addition to reskilling their workforce, CEOs appear to prioritise learning for themselves as 70% of L&D professionals report that their CEOs are active learning champions today.

Role of L&D is expanding in the pandemic, and will be critical as organizations look to fill skills gaps internally

With most organizations reshaping themselves to welcome the new world of work, L&D professionals are focused on cultivating resilience and adaptability among employees. Findings support this by stating that 69% L&D professionals globally believe supporting the mental health and well-being of employees is a new part of their role since COVID-19. Additionally, 74% L&D professionals also report that their focus is now on rebuilding or reshaping their organizations for a post COVID-19 world.

Upskilling & Reskilling is a primary focus area of L&D programs in the next 3 months

Group learning has shown an uptick across the globe  as 75% of L&D professionals expect an increase in social learning, enabling learners to engage with colleagues, instructors and fellow learners around topics and course content. Further, 78% L&D professionals also say that they are going to have more virtual/online training after COVID-19. 

As per the survey, here are the top 5 challenges faced by L&D professionals globally in the current times:

  1.  Helping leaders and managers lead through change (51%)
  2.  Keeping employees motivated and productive (44%)
  3.  Transitioning in-person trainers into virtual trainers (38%)
  4.  Helping employees to transition to work from home (37%)
  5.  Meeting the emotional and psychological needs of employees (34%)


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Topics: Strategic HR, #COVID-19

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