Video: Case Study: How Google Creates a Cohesive Culture for their Workforce


Case Study: How Google Creates a Cohesive Culture for their Workforce

Roman Matla, Director, APAC Diversity & Employee Engagement, Google helps embed DEI&B that mirrors your organisation's values into your culture.

Culture doesn't make the people. People make the culture. Tying in your culture with the mission and vision will motivate your people and ultimately create value for the business that can only be achieved with inclusivity and cohesion. Hear Roman Matla, Director, APAC Diversity & Employee Engagement, Google's take on this.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How to reframe DEI&B as a business challenge
  • How can leaders drive accountability and support everyone else in sustaining it
  • How to embed DEI&B that mirrors your organisation's values into your culture


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Topics: Culture, #PMEXAPAC

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