Video: Rethinking engagement, rewards & feedback for the new normal

Employee Engagement

Rethinking engagement, rewards & feedback for the new normal

In this webcast by People Matters & Darwinbox, know what it takes to build a new engagement strategy by actively listening to the employees and leveraging the digital means to reach and engage the workforce in these times.

Every HR professional today is faced with new challenges as the transient remote work phase extends to become a rather permanent phenomena - “How do I ensure my employees are equally productive and engaged in these challenging times?” “How do I ensure my employee is cared for, supported and remain a strong part of the organization’s cultural fabric”.

At the heart of best teams is effective engagement, collaboration, and recognition that gets them going. However, in times of crisis, as the workforce goes remote and as the usual levers of engagement and monetary rewards deem obsolete, HR needs to reinvent the engagement strategy for a digital world of work.

And more importantly, build a strategy that empathizes with the mental state of the employee in remote times. In addition to this, organizations are also battling to find ways to connect and enable seamless collaboration between teams in the new “Work from Anywhere” world.

In this webcast by People Matters & Darwinbox, know what it takes to build a new engagement strategy by actively listening to the employees and leveraging the digital means to reach and engage the workforce in these times.

  • What are key challenges that are limiting employees to perform better?
  • What are the best levers available to address challenges limiting high performance?
  • How organizations can tailor their engagement strategy for the hybrid world of work?
  • How to re-calibrate the performance and productivity metrics when the way we work and the work we do have changed drastically?
  • What's the role of Rewards & Recognition in driving desired behavior in a hybrid workplace and how it can be leveraged to ensure happy, engaged, and motivated employees who can perform better in the new world of work?
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Topics: Employee Engagement

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