Video: PeopleMatters TV: Bridging skills gap in emerging tech


PeopleMatters TV: Bridging skills gap in emerging tech

Panelists on PeopleMatters TV give a solution to overcome the skills gap in AI, Machine Learning and robotics.

The skills needed to tap into new technologies such as AI, machine learning, robotics, blockchain, etc. are in short supply. The businesses who crack the code of upskilling their employees in the right technology are the ones who are most likely to thrive in an evolving landscape of talent and work. HR leaders and learning & development experts say that bridging this skills gap is a primary challenge that they are facing today. So, how do they go about solving it?

In this panel discussion on PeopleMatters TV, experts provide HR leaders a step-by-step approach that they can customize to overcome this skills gap in the emerging areas of modern technology and directly impact the bottom line of their business.  


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Topics: Skilling, #PeopleMattersTV

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