Article: Building back better businesses with Guy Kawasaki

Strategic HR

Building back better businesses with Guy Kawasaki

Silicon Valley legend Guy Kawasaki will be bringing this deep experience in his keynote session at People Matters TechHR Singapore from 7-11 September, wherein he will be speaking on building back better businesses by reimagining people strategy and unlocking people potential post COVID-19.
Building back better businesses with Guy Kawasaki

“Organizations are successful because of good implementation, not good business plans.” – Guy Kawasaki

COVID-19 has forced every organization to redraw their business models, strategies, and plans. However, their implementation is something that rests largely on your talent strategy. The talent community needs to understand the realities facing businesses today in order to develop a people strategy that prepares the business for the new future. It is now more than ever that organization needs to unlock people potential in these trying times to innovatively navigate this crisis and build stronger businesses.

And who better to learn the art of innovation from than Guy Kawasaki, one of the most prolific household names when it comes to innovation and entrepreneurship. Guy was the chief evangelist of Apple and for many Apple fans will be among the best-known names on this list. He joined Apple in 1983 and worked in marketing on the original Mac. He was Apple’s chief evangelist for four years, then left Apple in 1987. He rejoined for two years as an Apple Fellow in 1995.

Born and raised in Kalihi Valley, the marketing guru went from law school dropout to working for Apple to Google and Wikipedia. He’s now the chief evangelist for Canva, a popular graphic design platform, and is a brand ambassador for Mercedes-Benz. Guy is also the author of Wise Guy, The Art of the Start 2.0, The Art of Social Media, Enchantment, and eleven other books. 

Guy will be bringing this deep experience in his keynote session at People Matters TechHR Singapore 2020 from 7-11 September, wherein he will be speaking on building back better businesses by reimagining people strategy and unlocking people potential post COVID-19.

As a precursor to his talk, we bring to you a collection of some of his most famous thoughts on building business and entrepreneurship. 










Which one is your favorite? Do let us know in the comments section!


Join us to learn from Guy and many other inspiring leaders at People Matters TechHR Singapore 2020, Asia’s Largest HR & WorkTech Conference from 7-11 September on your screens. Click here to register.

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Topics: Strategic HR, #TechHRSG

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