News: How Indonesia is closing tech skills gap with Google Cloud


How Indonesia is closing tech skills gap with Google Cloud

In the hopes of becoming a regional powerhouse, Indonesia is taking a major step towards upskilling local talent in cloud tech.
How Indonesia is closing tech skills gap with Google Cloud

JAKARTA — Amid Indonesia’s growing tech skills gap, the country’s Ministry of Communications and Informatics (Kemenkominfo) has joined forces with Google Cloud to launch a new career-boosting program for local talent.

The Google Cloud Career Launchpad aims to equip Indonesian talent with in-demand cloud computing skills and provide them with tools to succeed in Southeast Asia’s digital economy.

The initiative – which kicked off with 21 higher education institutions – aims to reach thousands of newcomers to the tech industry. Offering free access to industry-recognised certifications and skills badges in areas such as generative AI, data analytics, cybersecurity, and cloud engineering, the program seeks to empower a new generation of tech talent.

Indonesia’s push for digital transformation

Nezar Patria, Indonesia’s Vice Minister of Communications and Informatics, stressed the strategic importance of this initiative for Indonesia’s digital future.

“A skilled cloud workforce is needed to accelerate and sustain Indonesia's digital transformation,” Patria said. “As a start, this initiative aims to benefit 8,500 students over the next 12 months, with plans for expansion to reach even more students in both metropolitan and non-metropolitan areas, in line with our strategy for strengthening regional digital ecosystems under the Digital Indonesia Vision (VID) 2045.”

VID aims to build a robust digital ecosystem across the country. The national government said it is committed to fostering digital literacy and employability in regions that are often underserved in terms of advanced tech education.

Read More: Indonesia poised to upskill workers in AI and analytics

Bridging the cloud talent gap

As organisations increasingly seek to leverage cloud technologies for business innovation, the demand for skilled cloud professionals has surged. The Google Cloud Career Launchpad directly addresses this demand by providing students with the necessary credentials to enter the job market confidently.

Certifications through the program are recognised locally and globally, and could position Indonesian talent competitively on the world stage.

“Organisations are increasingly looking to drive tangible business outcomes through their deployment of enterprise-grade gen AI solutions at scale, triggering a rise in demand and employment opportunities for skilled cloud talent,” said Fanly Tanto, Country Director, Indonesia, Google Cloud.

The end in mind with the Google Cloud Career Launchpad is to “unlock job opportunities and rank amongst the highest-paying IT certifications globally,” Tanto said, with hopes to expand the initiative with additional partners.

“We look forward to bringing more higher education institutions, government agencies, and nonprofits into this initiative to build a more equitable and inclusive skills-based talent ecosystem, as part of our long-term commitment toward local workforce development and addressing the digital transformation needs of all cities in Indonesia.”

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Empowering Indonesian talent for the future of work

Beyond the immediate benefits of free access to top-tier cloud education, students who complete the program will also gain access to valuable digital credentials that can be showcased on platforms such as Credly. These credentials will allow them to connect with recruiters and hiring managers looking for specific cloud skills, thus enhancing their employability in local and international job markets.

The partnership also integrates Kemenkominfo’s Diploy ecosystem, where learners can apply for relevant job opportunities. By facilitating the real-time verification of their skills and certifications, the program streamlines the hiring process for tech roles, making it easier for employers to find qualified candidates.

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Increasing the network of Google Cloud learning partners

The Google Cloud Career Launchpad is set to expand to a wider network of educational institutions and regions. This year marks collaboration between the government and the private sector, including the following:

  • Alauddin Islamic State University (UIN Alauddin)
  • Ar-Raniry State Islamic University (UINAR)
  • Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB)
  • Banjarmasin Polytechnic (POLIBAN)
  • Bina Patria College of Informatics and Computer Management (STMIK Bina Patria)
  • Binus University; Darul 'Ulum University (UNDAR)
  • Indraprasta PGRI University (UNINDRA)
  • Jambi Polytechnic (POLJAM)
  • Jenderal Soedirman University (UNSOED)
  • Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM)
  • Padjadjaran University (UNPAD)
  • President University
  • Satya Wacana Christian University (UKSW)
  • Sebelas Maret University (UNS)
  • Syiah Kuala University (USK)
  • Telkom University
  • Tidar University (UNTIDAR)
  • University of Bina Bangsa Getsempena (UBBG)
  • University of Indonesia (UI)
  • University of Singaperbangsa Karawang (UNSIKA)
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Topics: Business, Technology, Training & Development, Skilling

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