Singapore launches online filing for employment disputes

Effective 7 January 2019, parties in an employment dispute in Singapore can file their claims online via the Community Justice and Tribunals System (CJTS) without having to travel to the State Courts, thanks to the launch of the Employment Claims Tribunals (ECT) Online Filing Module. The CJTS is an e-filling and case management system for cases dealt with by the Community Justice and Tribunals Division of the State Courts, making the employment dispute process paperless and more convenient.
Individuals can access the CJTS with their SingPass, and corporate entities with their CorpPass. Those who are not eligible for SingPass or CorpPass may apply for a CJTS Pass.
Parties with an employment dispute can register the settlement agreement at the Tripartite Alliance for Dispute Management (TADM) on the CJTS if an amicable agreement is reached. If mediation at TADM is unsuccessful, parties can file their employment dispute claim together with the claim referral certificate online immediately. Parties can also submit documents, view documents submitted by the other party, pay filing fees, select a preferred court date within a given period, and monitor case developments online.
E-resolution of employment disputes
In addition to providing 24/7 online access, the CJTS also offers a suite of services to parties that facilitate the expeditious resolution of employment disputes. Parties in an employment dispute will be able to e-Negotiate a settlement or opt to engage in e-Mediation in the CJTS. Through e-Negotiation, parties will be able to engage and negotiate an amicable settlement on their own terms. With e-Mediation, they may resolve their employment dispute online with the help of a court mediator without having to come to the State Courts.
If both parties agree to e-Mediate, ECT will schedule an e-Mediation session with a court mediator. If a settlement is reached via either e-Negotiation or e-Mediation, parties may apply online for a Consent Order and the case will conclude once the Consent Order is issued. If parties are unable to reach a settlement, the case will then proceed to the case management and hearing stages of the employment claims process.
Since 1 April 2017, 94% of the total number (1,696) of employment claims filed at the ECT have been concluded as at 30 November 2018; of which 71% were resolved at the Case Management Conference stage without having to proceed to the hearing stage.