Ankit Sindhi leads Partner Marketing at Crowdstaffing, that harnesses the collective intelligence of The Crowd to source and manage top talent for its clients; thereby providing skilled recruitment professionals that constitute The Crowd a platform to evolve into successful entrepreneurs ( With a decade of marketing and business experience in various HR tech and SaaS companies, Ankit loves to write on marketing, technology and the future of recruitment.
Devdutt Gore - Senior Manager: Center for Behavioral Excellence, Talent Transformation, Wipro Ltd
From a very early stage in my career, my passion and strength have been to add value to people and organizations. I have fulfilled this passion through training, providing consulting services and coaching opportunities. Currently, work with Wipro as a Facilitator and Learning Partner. This passion to add value through training and coaching, coupled with other core competencies developed in various fields, has me grow both laterally and vertically in my career. Opportunities to add value in a way that it impacts the quality of life for human beings always excite me.
Ashish Bahl, APAC Recruiting lead at Ocwen Financial Solutions. He has extensive knowledge and experience in a broad spectrum of recruiting practices, employer branding, assessment methodologies(Cognitive, psychometric, experiential) & recruiting tech.
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